Guns are now the leading cause of death for American children

I know the Msm paints the ugly picture of inanimate objects growing legs and murdering children. but the radicals refuse to acknowledge it’s more mental health than anything else. No sane person on a bad day wakes up, pops his grandma, and then slaughters innocent kids. Unless you are the Uvalde shooter.

so, shut up moe.
Again... skewed data to make a political point.

"The deaths disproportionately impacted Black children and adolescents, who were more than four times as likely to die as white children -- for whom motor vehicles still posed a greater threat."

Well no shit. Who do you think is getting killed in Chicago on a daily basis? Young black men, under 19 (the age this "study" goes up to) that are involved in gangs and drugs.
I know the Msm paints the ugly picture of inanimate objects growing legs and murdering children. but the radicals refuse to acknowledge it’s more mental health than anything else. No sane person on a bad day wakes up, pops his grandma, and then slaughters innocent kids. Unless you are the Uvalde shooter.

so, shut up moe.
I have my 3030 locked up I'm afraid its gonna get pissed & shoot me ....