Guess I'm good either way then
My "path" to being atheist is similar to OP2's.
I was born and raise Southern Baptist. Both of my grandfathers were pastors, one Baptist and one Methodist. I joined the Methodist church later in life and was baptized accepting Jesus as my lord and savior. I was even president of the men's club at the church organizing fellowship breakfasts and other activities.
That church in particular represented everything that I thought was right about religion. It was a small church and the pastor would have any new faces introduce themselves. One day a really rough looking dude was in there and when he introduced himself he mentioned that he was just released from prison. At my mother's church, I can pretty much guarantee nobody would have approached him. At the church I was going to, nearly everybody approached him later and welcomed him into the church.
I moved back to WV, and the church I started attending here was the exact opposite. They were begging for money every service, and I had become friends with somebody on the board who was telling me how they wasted the money they did get on trivial things. The church was also very cliquy, and represented everything I despised about churches, so I stopped going to church at all and instead just read the bible at home on my own.
Like OP2, I was raised in it and honestly never really gave it a whole lot of thought.
Reading the bible on my own, I just found a lot of things that didn't work, and things that I had learned were wrong. So, I got to the point of thinking "if I can't believe this or this or this, how can I give credibility to the rest of it"?
Some of my responses on here have seemed like an attack on religion and it doesn't represent my true feelings.Yes, I'm atheist, but I do entertain the idea that there could be a God, I just don't happen to believe there is. I also know that there's no way for me to know until I'm dead. If there does happen to be a God, I don't think it's a God that listens to your thoughts and grants your wishes and has a path for your life and all of that.
I'm not going to say that anybody else's beliefs are wrong, unless it's something that we absolutely know is wrong, but that may still not invalidate their religion and their approach to life through that religion.