Great News for sanity

The shit they get you rubes to worry about while they get you to vote against your own economic interests, lol.
Why is it a big deal about trans serving?

If they can do the physical work, are willing to serve, have some common sense, then why not?
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Why is it a big deal about trans serving?

If they can do the physical work, are willing to serve, have some common sense, then why not?
I must insist that we, the govt, doesn't pay for the operation. I think that is the real culprit here.
Why is it a big deal about trans serving?

If they can do the physical work, are willing to serve, have some common sense, then why not?
Honestly? Outside of it being a mental handicap, I'm not sure. I guess I'd be as fine next to a tranny on the line as I would someone who is gay. Bi-Polar? Not sure about that one.
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Honestly? Outside of it being a mental handicap, I'm not sure. I guess I'd be as fine next to a tranny on the line as I would someone who is gay. Bi-Polar? Not sure about that one.
Really? You never served with a bi-polar soldier?
Honestly? Outside of it being a mental handicap, I'm not sure. I guess I'd be as fine next to a tranny on the line as I would someone who is gay. Bi-Polar? Not sure about that one.

My step-daughter's boyfriend spent this past Spring/Summer in Texas at tech school. Security training. The problems the military has with enlisted right now, Trannies are the least of their problems. The base he was at sounded like an absolute mess.
Really? You never served with a bi-polar soldier?
Yes, and I saved him from opening his veins through physical restraint. Luckily he only wanted to kill himself at the barracks and not open up while on a live fire exercise. To the point though, I don't think bi-polar inidividuals should be allowed to serve.

The military in my opinion doesn't and nor should it be an inclusive organization.
My step-daughter's boyfriend spent this past Spring/Summer in Texas at tech school. Security training. The problems the military has with enlisted right now, Trannies are the least of their problems. The base he was at sounded like an absolute mess.
Evidently you have never served or been around military bases.
The irony of a President who actively labored to avoid military service now denying that right to folks who want to serve their country is not lost on this Veteran. And , yeah, only rubes think this guy is Presidential, the same rubes think Kid Rock is a good idea for a senator. How many of ya'll plan on going to one of his "make me feel good ass kissing rallies"?
Yes, and I saved him from opening his veins through physical restraint. Luckily he only wanted to kill himself at the barracks and not open up while on a live fire exercise. To the point though, I don't think bi-polar inidividuals should be allowed to serve.

The military in my opinion doesn't and nor should it be an inclusive organization.
Good job in saving a struggling person. I've been in the same situation (not on a base). And I agree that acceptance into the military should be tough. It's a very serious duty
Good job in saving a struggling person. I've been in the same situation (not on a base). And I agree that acceptance into the military should be tough. It's a very serious duty
Last I heard the guy went off the rails and has spent some time in prison, in retrospect, probably should have let him do it.
. And , yeah, only rubes think this guy is Presidential, the same rubes think Kid Rock is a good idea for a senator. How many of ya'll plan on going to one of his "make me feel good ass kissing rallies"?
Presidential?????? LMAO......what the fuk do you want? Who said Kid Rock was a good idea for a senator? I guess the same "rubes" that thought Al Franken and the likes of Maxine Waters were well credentialed to be elected members of congress.
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Imagine the disrespect I feel about someone wasting a life I gave them back.
The same happened to me.....literally.....heroin, last spoke to him via letter in a VA jail. Life's about choices, I'm happy with the choice I made.....each day he is alive, he at least has a choice again
Presidential?????? LMAO......what the fuk do you want? Who said Kid Rock was a good idea for a senator? I guess the same "rubes" that thought Al Franken and the likes of Maxine Waters were well credentialed to be elected members of congress.
I imagine Al and Maxines rallies, if they were as insecure as Trump to have them, would look like America, whereas a Trump rally looks like a Alabama klan rally. I doubt they were endorsed by the Klan or the American Nazi party like your boy was. Who has campaign rallies after they win? Insecure guilty ****s counting on his stupid base to rally round his bullshit. Man will never unite Americans, can't even unite his Party.
I imagine Al and Maxines rallies, if they were as insecure as Trump to have them, would look like America, whereas a Trump rally looks like a Alabama klan rally. I doubt they were endorsed by the Klan or the American Nazi party like your boy was. Who has campaign rallies after they win? Insecure guilty ****s counting on his stupid base to rally round his bullshit. Man will never unite Americans, can't even unite his Party.
Did you see all those little klan/nazi members that were chanting
"Trump,Trump,Trump" and "USA,USA,USA" the other day at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia? Anyway......I feel bad that your gal Hillary lost......but maybe you can get her to run again.
I imagine Al and Maxines rallies, if they were as insecure as Trump to have them, would look like America, whereas a Trump rally looks like a Alabama klan rally. I doubt they were endorsed by the Klan or the American Nazi party like your boy was. Who has campaign rallies after they win? Insecure guilty ****s counting on his stupid base to rally round his bullshit. Man will never unite Americans, can't even unite his Party.
Hahahhaa, channel that inner hate and intolerance towards opposing belief. Carry it right to the poles in 18 and watch what happens.
Hahahhaa, channel that inner hate and intolerance towards opposing belief. Carry it right to the poles in 18 and watch what happens.
Those folks are clueless....they still don't get it. What else should we expect from the ilk that worships at the feet of the likes of Rachel MaddCOW.
The military in my opinion doesn't and nor should it be an inclusive organization.
It should be, but within sane and reasonable limits. Individuals like your bipolar buddy (and Bowe Bergdahl, who washed out of Coast Guard basic fer cryin' out loud) should have been disqualified. But even Mattis was OK with trans people serving.