Glenn Beck


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2001
Anyone following him these days ?? Just wondering what his act is like; I seem to recall him taking some shots at Trump early in the process......don't recall if that was before or after the election.....and I was wondering what he's morphed into since Trump got settled in.
Anyone following him these days ?? Just wondering what his act is like; I seem to recall him taking some shots at Trump early in the process......don't recall if that was before or after the election.....and I was wondering what he's morphed into since Trump got settled in.

I think he's got his own "Network" now. When I was in FL I the hotel we were at got "The Blaze" and he had some show on it.

He's always been a bit of an enigma. I use to listen to him some on my commutes back during the Bush years, and he could be pretty relentless on Bush as well. Then he went all conspiracy theory when Obama got elected.
I think he's got his own "Network" now. When I was in FL I the hotel we were at got "The Blaze" and he had some show on it.

He's always been a bit of an enigma. I use to listen to him some on my commutes back during the Bush years, and he could be pretty relentless on Bush as well. Then he went all conspiracy theory when Obama got elected.

I am aware of The you, I myself passed by it just last week in a motel (in Ripley, as a matter of fact) which had it on DirectTV. I spend a grand total of about 5 minutes a month watching politically oriented TV, so no reason for me to stay with it as I passed by. I figure I'll just accept others' opinions on the guy rather than taking time to make a personal assessment.

Not that it matters, but also on DTV, I came across a network earlier this summer......couldn't tell you what it was called if my life depended on it......that I think was all-Left-wing-all-the-time; was probably the 5 minutes I spent watching political TV that particular month. I think their "big star" is/was Bill Press; now there's a reason to tune in. I'm pretty sure they literally were asking for donations to keep it on the air.

Meanwhile, I admit I think you're being charitable by referring to Beck as an "enigma"....though perhaps he's calmed down a bit since he got (more or less) laughed off the greater airways however long ago it happened.
Anyone following him these days ?? Just wondering what his act is like; I seem to recall him taking some shots at Trump early in the process......don't recall if that was before or after the election.....and I was wondering what he's morphed into since Trump got settled in.
The day Biff was inaugurated, I was in the middle of a long drive and spent most of the time scanning through radio stations to hear viewpoints on Biff's speech. I got to one station and two guys were making fun of him and had nothing good to say. I had no idea who it was at first. Then they went to commercial break and it was Beck. Blew my mind.
Anyone following him these days ?? Just wondering what his act is like; I seem to recall him taking some shots at Trump early in the process......don't recall if that was before or after the election.....and I was wondering what he's morphed into since Trump got settled in.

He's a little crazy. From listening to his show he comes across as trying to be a savior. Even before he was anti-Trump him and the guys on his show were hard to listen to.

I was listening a few years ago and they had some kind of trivia game going on. A woman called in and didn't do that well. After she hung up him and his parrots mocked her. I thought some of the things they said about her were pretty low considering she was a fan of the show. I lost respect for him when I heard that.