George Washington "probably didn't" own slaves


Sep 18, 2007
“How about George Washington high school? ‘We want the name removed from that high school.’ They don’t know why. You know, they thought he had slaves. Actually I think he probably didn’t.’”

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
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That entire renaming everything was the epitome of stupid.

The amount of money each school spent to rename was crazy. It is way more involved than simply slapping a few new words on the marquee out front. The schools could have used that money for far better and more useful purposes.
That entire renaming everything was the epitome of stupid.

The amount of money each school spent to rename was crazy. It is way more involved than simply slapping a few new words on the marquee out front. The schools could have used that money for far better and more useful purposes.
Ok. Just as bad is that statement though.
That entire renaming everything was the epitome of stupid.

The amount of money each school spent to rename was crazy. It is way more involved than simply slapping a few new words on the marquee out front. The schools could have used that money for far better and more useful purposes.

Ok. Just as bad is that statement though.
It is all stupid. You cannot erase history, but Democrats love to try. The fact the majority of Americans believe the civil war was entirely about slavery shows they have almost mastered it.
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It is all stupid. You cannot erase history, but Democrats love to try. The fact the majority of Americans believe the civil war was entirely about slavery shows they have almost mastered it.
Really? Democrats love to try? And him saying he doesn’t believe GW owned slaves isn’t “rewriting history”? Or is it just plain retarded?

And to your civil war claim, it was about the disagreement if the federal government could pass laws on the states. What law? Slavery. .
Really? Democrats love to try? And him saying he doesn’t believe GW owned slaves isn’t “rewriting history”? Or is it just plain retarded?
Yes, Democrats love to try. Remember who started the KKK? It wasn’t Republicans, but they have people believing the right wing is racist.
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Yes, Democrats love to try. Remember who started the KKK? It wasn’t Republicans, but they have people believing the right wing is racist.
Deflecting again. And his statement isn’t “revisionist history”, which is not only retarded but also attempting to “rewrite” history?

And do you remember why democrats like Strom Thurmond left the party? Civil rights. And which party did he join because of people like Nixon and his Southern Strategy?
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Deflecting again. And his statement isn’t “revisionist history”, which is not only retarded but also attempting to “rewrite” history?

And do you remember why democrats like Storm Thurmond left the party? Civil rights. And which party did he join because of people like Nixon and his Southern Strategy?
I’m not deflecting anything. I’m telling you the facts.
I can't imagine giving a shit about this after the last 4 years of this Administration.
You are right. Having a potential leader of the free world making statements like “I don’t think Washington owned slaves” is ok.
“How about George Washington high school? ‘We want the name removed from that high school.’ They don’t know why. You know, they thought he had slaves. Actually I think he probably didn’t.’”

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
George Washington became a slave owner at the early age of eleven, when his father died and left him the 280 acre farm near Fredericksburg, Virginia where the family was then living. In addition, Washington was willed ten slaves.

I don't give a damn about George Washington high school and what they want to call it. You liberals will not be happy until you change the history of this country. Joe Biden destroying America in 4 short years.

George Washington High School may refer to a number of high schools including:

That was very nice of him to free his slaves when he died........unless you look in to a bit deeper and see that he had them freed upon "Martha's death".......she ended up freeing them in 1801.
That was very nice of him to free his slaves when he died........unless you look in to a bit deeper and see that he had them freed upon "Martha's death".......she ended up freeing them in 1801.
Good for her. Who gives a shit?
That was very nice of him to free his slaves when he died........unless you look in to a bit deeper and see that he had them freed upon "Martha's death".......she ended up freeing them in 1801.

Since he didn’t technically own the enslaved people Martha had inherited, he didn’t say they should be freed. Instead, he used them to justify the continued enslavement of the others.

By the time George died, he owned 123 enslaved people outright. After Washington’s death, Martha freed just one person: William Lee, a Revolutionary War celebrity who was the only enslaved person George said should be immediately given his freedom. But she didn’t free the others—until she became convinced that they were plotting against her.

George’s enslaved workers wasn’t as complicated as the president implied in his will. In January 1801, they left Mount Vernon as free men and women.

The 153 enslaved people who Martha had inherited weren’t so lucky. They were divvied up between her children when she died in 1802. None of Martha’s children freed more than a few of the enslaved workers or their children during their lifetimes. And Martha never freed the single enslaved man she owned outright, even willing him to her grandson. George’s views on slavery may have been advanced, but his family apparently did not share them.
And since you are a “facts” person, what say you about his statement on Washington not owning slaves?
I don’t care about the topic enough to say if he did or didn’t. It’s totally irrelevant to the current times. Typical libtard divisiveness, it doesn’t matter what happened 200 years ago. Nobody alive today benefitted from it or suffered from it. Do you run your mouth to modern day Italians for the Romans killing Jesus? What nationality was Goliath? Was it a hate crime from David? As you laugh at this utter stupidity, you would be right. It’s stupid.
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I don’t care about the topic enough to say if he did or didn’t. It’s totally irrelevant to the current times. Typical libtard divisiveness, it doesn’t matter what happened 200 years ago. Nobody alive today benefitted from it or suffered from it. Do you run your mouth to modern day Italians for the Romans killing Jesus? What nationality was Goliath? Was it a hate crime from David? As you laugh at this utter stupidity, you would be right. It’s stupid. was TRUMP who brought up the subject in the first place. NOT ME. I get cannot say a bad word towards your messiah. If Biden had made the statement about Washington not owning slaves, you'd be all over it. FACT.
Since he didn’t technically own the enslaved people Martha had inherited, he didn’t say they should be freed. Instead, he used them to justify the continued enslavement of the others.

By the time George died, he owned 123 enslaved people outright. After Washington’s death, Martha freed just one person: William Lee, a Revolutionary War celebrity who was the only enslaved person George said should be immediately given his freedom. But she didn’t free the others—until she became convinced that they were plotting against her.

George’s enslaved workers wasn’t as complicated as the president implied in his will. In January 1801, they left Mount Vernon as free men and women.

The 153 enslaved people who Martha had inherited weren’t so lucky. They were divvied up between her children when she died in 1802. None of Martha’s children freed more than a few of the enslaved workers or their children during their lifetimes. And Martha never freed the single enslaved man she owned outright, even willing him to her grandson. George’s views on slavery may have been advanced, but his family apparently did not share them.
Good for her. Who gives a shit?

How's the civics lessons going? Those senators still not gotten those term limits? was TRUMP who brought up the subject in the first place. NOT ME. I get cannot say a bad word towards your messiah. If Biden had made the statement about Washington not owning slaves, you'd be all over it. FACT.
Actually, no I wouldn’t be. Do you see me sharing articles or stupid quotes from Biden on anything? No, you don’t. FACT is, you’re lying. FACT.
“How about George Washington high school? ‘We want the name removed from that high school.’ They don’t know why. You know, they thought he had slaves. Actually I think he probably didn’t.’”

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Oh, we’re back to this guy. While Rome burns, we’re gonna have to entertain your little stupid gotchas on issues of zero significance.
Actually, no I wouldn’t be. Do you see me sharing articles or stupid quotes from Biden on anything? No, you don’t. FACT is, you’re lying. FACT.
But you sure do respond to someone else when they post them day after day. It's ok actually. I get it.
Oh, we’re back to this guy. While Rome burns, we’re gonna have to entertain your little stupid gotchas on issues of zero significance.
Ignore if you like. Nobody twisted your arm to hit "reply". They like to talk about mental decline.......well........
But you sure do respond to someone else when they post them day after day. It's ok actually. I get it.
More false assumptions lol. Makes sense. You’re a liberal who relies on emotions.
Ignore if you like. Nobody twisted your arm to hit "reply". They like to talk about mental decline.......well........
Did Noah bother to ask what gender the animals identified as before selection?
You are right. Having a potential leader of the free world making statements like “I don’t think Washington owned slaves” is ok.

Don't care enough to verify if he said that or not, nor do I care to hold George Washington to a standard of today when he lived in the 1700's.

What I care about is getting Biden and the New Democrat Party out of office before they destroy what's left of our Country. Because that's what's important RIGHT NOW.
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Don't care enough to verify if he said or not, nor do I care to hold George Washington to a standard of today when he lived in the 1700's.

What I care about is getting Biden and the New Democrat Party out of office before they destroy what's left of our Country. Because that's what's important RIGHT NOW.
Exactly. Owning slaves was legal. Most owners treated their folks well. Many didn't and that says a lot about the who did mistreated humans.

We moved on.
Exactly. Owning slaves was legal. Most owners treated their folks well. Many didn't and that says a lot about the who did mistreated humans.

We moved on.

Slavery is bad. If George Washington was alive today I'm sure he would agree. Since we are alive today I like to focus on how the New Democrat Party and Biden screw up everything it touches. At this point everyone should assume it's on purpose.
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Deflecting again. And his statement isn’t “revisionist history”, which is not only retarded but also attempting to “rewrite” history?

And do you remember why democrats like Strom Thurmond left the party? Civil rights. And which party did he join because of people like Nixon and his Southern Strategy?
The predecessor of the so called "Southern strategy" was LBJ's "great society"

"I'll have them [racial epithet] voting Democrat for 30 years."-LBJ

Civil rights hero LBJ was also a racist

excerpt from above linked article:
The claim is that LBJ said, ‘I'll have those [deleted] voting Democratic for 200 years.’"
According to Snopes, this alleged quotation was first cited in Ronald Kessler's 1995 book "Inside the White House." Snopes investigated this purported LBJ quotation and concluded, "It wouldn't have been entirely out of character for LBJ to have said something as crude and cynical as this".

Matter of fact the entire Democrat party's history is one of blatant racism

The Left has cleverly used revisionist history to portray the party of Lincoln as the party of racism in America. Lincoln and the Republicans ended Slavery, while Democrats in the antebellum South fought to continue it as a way of life. Just finished reading this outstanding book by Nelson Dawson which describes the true history of the original racists in America....the Democrat party.

Contrary to its image as a heroic “party of the people,” the Democrats have simply evolved from a racist party sustaining slavery and oppressing African-Americans in the Jim Crow South to a party which has abandoned them in today’s inner-city ghettos to ongoing social and economic deprivation.

The book traces the history of the party from its origins in the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson to the end of Reconstruction, revealing a record quite different from common belief.

A concluding chapter extends the narrative to LBJ's Great Society in the 1960s, showing that the manifold failings of the party are not merely relics of a distant past but also illuminate much of our politically contested present.

Get it here:
Democracy Betrayed: A history of the Democrat party from cotton plantation to urban plantation
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And to your civil war claim, it was about the disagreement if the federal government could pass laws on the states. What law? Slavery. .
Democrats were the authors of poll tests, segregation, and Jim Crow. They fought to both maintain that way of Life in the South and in fact continued it even after the Civil War.
Slavery is bad. If George Washington was alive today I'm sure he would agree. Since we are alive today I like to focus on how the New Democrat Party and Biden screw up everything it touches. At this point everyone should assume it's on purpose.
We basically still practice slavery but that is a different debate. I agree with you about slavery then vs now for sure. Slavery is still an issue in most of the world.
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We basically still practice slavery but that is a different debate. I agree with you about slavery then vs now for sure. Slavery is still an issue in most of the world.
Leftists don't want to talk about how their failed policies have "enslaved" millions of blacks who've blindly voted for them for the past 50 years. Think of that? 50 years of false promises, failed ideas, and poor results. Blacks who live in Democrat dominated cities are poorer, less safe, likely unemployed, undereducated, unskilled and as racist as their Democrat White slave Masters who insist it's Republicans and Conservatives holding them back from "emancipation".

Yet, when one of their "slaves" escapes a Democrat run poverty plantation in one of our large cities and begins to speak out against or question the failures of their " Liberal White Slave Masters" they get called names like "Uncle Tom" and "sellout".

Who in fact stands in the way of Black owned banks or businesses operating in tax exempt "enterprise zones"? Who in fact stands in the doorway blocking Black parents from taking their precious kids out of failing government run schools and using vouchers to pay for better non government run education? Who in fact tells Blacks that no matter how hard they try, or how good they think they are, some White Conservative Republican will see to it they never get hired unless it's based on racial favoritism in the form of "affirmative action"? Who tells young Black kids all White cops hate Blacks and only want to kill them, so let's "defund" the police in crime infested areas?

Ans to all of the above: Racist Leftist Democrat slave masters.
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We basically still practice slavery but that is a different debate. I agree with you about slavery then vs now for sure. Slavery is still an issue in most of the world.

There's not a race of people who haven't been a victim of it. People have been getting conquered since the world started turning. George Washington's views changed on it as he aged. Fighting a War for your freedom will do that.

These idiots don't care about George Washington. They only care about destroying the United States. You realize that but more need to wake up about the Color Revolution they are living in before they get a taste of what real poverty and unfairness is. That will involve going hungry and I don't mean missing a meal kind of hungry.
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Ok. Just as bad is that statement though.
The statement, whoever said it, is what it is.

I don't find spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to change the name of each school "just as bad" as some comment with no real affect. You are trying way too hard.
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George Washington became a slave owner at the early age of eleven, when his father died and left him the 280 acre farm near Fredericksburg, Virginia where the family was then living. In addition, Washington was willed ten slaves.

I don't give a damn about George Washington high school and what they want to call it. You liberals will not be happy until you change the history of this country. Joe Biden destroying America in 4 short years.

George Washington High School may refer to a number of high schools including:

Which ones are looking at changing their name?

San Francisco to remove names of Washington and Lincoln from schools​

This article is more than 3 years old
School board voted to give 44 schools new names with no connection to slavery, oppression or racism
Ok, so it goes back several years. That makes sense. I follow the news pretty closely and hadn’t heard anything about this.