Chef's kiss. LOL. You also probably use the phrase "me thinks". Dork.Nothing I love more than seeing Dems align with Cheney’s. It’s like the ultimate chef’s kiss.
he spews lies over and over again till people believe it
All you have to do is google all his lies.
You made that statement, then when asked to back it up you challenge your readers to "Google" it for themselves?
It been documented for years
So if he's "lying all the time" why can't you provide three examples of his "lies" that folks now believe?
Worst president in my lifetime
Name Trump's worst policy and more importantly how did it effect you personally?
I’m not sure how to copy and link plus I don’t care too
why don't you provide whatever information you're citing to back up what you're claiming?
Uh, yeah it does if you can't even back it up with provable facts @Jay15 ! 😏just because you don’t want to believe it doesn’t make it false.
Oh the irony of this statement.Guess you are not smart enough to think on your own
Not one can tell us one of his woppers except Mexico will pay for the wall and not one will talk policies.Unfortunately our latest addition to the board of a TDS media mind numbed Leftist (@Jay15 ) left the thread after repeating his pre-programmed Trump talking points and being asked to back them up. Imagine yourself like @Jay15 , full of hate, full of vitriol, full of passion and intense opposition against someone who for all intents and purposes is a perfect stranger to him. (Trump)
He doesn't know DJT, has never met him. All he knows about him is what he's been told by the jackals in the MSM who have so poisoned his mind about the man, he can't even explain why he detests him as much as he apparently does?
To prove it, look how he refused to answer or explain some pretty basic questions backing up the rhetorical venom he so easily blurted out on this forum in opposition to Trump.
Excerpted from ITT:
Give me three of your best examples of lies he's (Trump) told "over and over" that people now believe?
Uh, yeah it does if you can't even back it up with provable facts @Jay15 ! 😏
Oh the irony of this statement.
He probably won't be back. Most Leftists after they're exposed just go into self imposed hibernation until their embarrassment wears off, then they show up here again for more abuse. Ask @moe
oh atl's right, I've made my living on here doing that very thing... I self hibernate regularly!
It's so funny. They come on here calling him (Trump) all sorts of names, (racist, dictator, Nazi, Facist) and accusing him of all sorts of things, yet not one of 'em can ever factually back up a damn word of any of it. If they try, they typically get shot down with the actual facts (maybe that's why they don't try?) 🤔Not one can tell us one of his woppers except Mexico will pay for the wall and not one will talk policies.
Not one can tell us one of his woppers except Mexico will pay for the wall and not one will talk policies.
Trump was ready to freeze all their assets sitting in US banks, as well as cut them off from any further credit or Capital flowing from the US into Mexico if they didn't reimburse us for that wall. Who killed all of that?They were going to be paying for it through trade deals.
Trump was ready to freeze all their assets sitting in US banks, as well as cut them off from any further credit or Capital flowing from the US into Mexico if they didn't reimburse us for that wall. Who killed all of that?