For Moe and His Biden Laptop Theorists


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
FBI official confirmed in a Delaware court on Tuesday that Hunter Biden's laptop is real and belonged to him.
Video showing members of the media, intelligence officials, and prominent Democrats calling the Hunter Biden laptop story "Russian disinformation" went viral on Wednesday after an FBI official confirmed the laptop was real and belonged to the president's son during his Delaware criminal trial.

The viral video featured former Chief of State at the CIA and Department of Defense, Jeremy Bash, who told MSNBC at the time that it "looked like Russian intelligence" and "walked like Russian intelligence."

"This effort by Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post and Steve Bannon to cook up supposed dirt on Joe Biden looks like a classic, Russian playbook disinformation campaign," Bash said.
"This is collusion in plain sight," he continued.

The New York Post first reported the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop in 2020, roughly a month before the presidential election. The story was widely dismissed as Twitter and Facebook limited user ability to share the story.

Eric O'Neill, a security strategist, told CBS News at the time that it looked like a "classic disinformation campaign," and said the Russians were likely the ones behind the laptop, according to the video of several intel officials and liberal media hosts.

Former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the 50 who signed the letter, said at the time that it did "bear the hallmarks of Russian disinformation."

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., responding to NBC's Hallie Jackson, who said the Post's story at the time was "highly questionable" and "dubiously sourced," argued that Rudy Giuliani was a "vehicle for Russian disinformation," and suggested anyone claiming there was no evidence of it didn't make any sense.

To be continued...
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MSNBC host Ari Melber conceded that the network wasn't covering the laptop because of "journalistic reasons," and said they would never air dubious misinformation.

Several media pundits pushed a report by the Washington Post that claimed Russians were feeding Giuliani misinformation to pass on to Trump.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Alex Marquardt said at the time the laptop was likely part of Russia's latest interference in the U.S. election.

"We do know it is a very active Russian campaign," Marquardt said, citing U.S. intelligence officials.

James Clapper, a former Director of National Intelligence, said on CNN at the time that the laptop was "classic, textbook Soviet, Russian tradecraft at work."

"The Russians have analyzed the target, they understand that the president and his enablers crave dirt on Vice President Biden, whether its real or contrived, it doesn't matter to them. And so all of a sudden, two and a half weeks before the election, this laptop appears, somehow, and the emails without any metadata, it's all very curious," he said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said during an interview with CNN at the time that it was clear Trump and the Kremlin were behind Hunter Biden's laptop.

"The Kremlin has an obvious interest in denigrating Joe Biden, they want Donald Trump to win, they recognize he's a weak president," Schiff said. "Clearly they want to help him, so they want to denigrate the vice president, the intelligence community has made that abundantly clear."
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This person gets it right:

"The Democrat party in collusion with a corrupt media and corrupt intelligence agents lied to the American people about Hunter‘s laptop to interfere with the Presidential election. The American people should remember that when they go to vote. The Democrat party lied to you, and it’s not the first time it won’t be the last. The Democrat party is a party of plot and schemes, of liars and criminals. Not my opinion, it’s in their actions."
This person gets it right:

"The Democrat party in collusion with a corrupt media and corrupt intelligence agents lied to the American people about Hunter‘s laptop to interfere with the Presidential election. The American people should remember that when they go to vote. The Democrat party lied to you, and it’s not the first time it won’t be the last. The Democrat party is a party of plot and schemes, of liars and criminals. Not my opinion, it’s in their actions."
Yep. Too bad the American people won’t unify against them. A combination of voter stupidity and election fraud will make your prediction true in November.
Yep. Too bad the American people won’t unify against them. A combination of voter stupidity and election fraud will make your prediction true in November.'s way too much to overcome especially when their media lackeys do the Democrat and Liberal's bidding .
  • Haha
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This person gets it right:

"The Democrat party in collusion with a corrupt media and corrupt intelligence agents lied to the American people about Hunter‘s laptop to interfere with the Presidential election. The American people should remember that when they go to vote. The Democrat party lied to you, and it’s not the first time it won’t be the last. The Democrat party is a party of plot and schemes, of liars and criminals. Not my opinion, it’s in their actions."
Cool story.'s way too much to overcome especially when their media lackeys do the Democrat and Liberal's bidding .
Sadly you’re right. Pay attention right now to the msm. The narrative is being given for why Trump will lose. They’re saying The conviction has now swayed the swing state polls into Biden’s favor. We both know that’s not true, but when November comes and they rig it again, they can say they’ve told us for 5 months. That way there’s little push back or reaction's way too much to overcome especially when their media lackeys do the Democrat and Liberal's bidding .
Democrats didn't know Biden dropped out because he's a well known ( to the informed) habitual lier ...and they keep claiming we are a democracy.
Biden’s 2020 narrative about Hunter’s laptop shatters after his own DOJ enters it into trial evidence
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