fascists cheatin' on the 2024 Election... TODAY !!! ... amazing that ALL this cheatin' IS FROM ONE SIDE


Cards on the table talk:

Yes, they're going to cheat.
Yes, they're registering illegals to bloat the voter rolls, which enables the harvesting and stuffing processes.
But they can't just do what they did last time.
This time it won't be enough to just lock up the 7 key Counties in the '20 Swing States.
This time we know the old game.
This time we've got a massive Registration Push in key states, one that's worked so well so far, that suddenly states that were never considered possible swings, are up for grabs, and they're having to spend resources to defend house and senate seats once considered safely blue in NY, NJ, MN,CA and IL.
This time we'll have trained not just observers and attorneys, but election workers who can count the ballots, not just Ds in the counting process.
And then add the debate failure, the lawfare that's crumbling, the fact that normies even see the lies and corruption clearly, add all we now know from the last 4 years.
That's why Too Big To Rig is the key.
They never expected to have to fight on so many fronts.
Sure they're experienced at this kind of crap, but we are freaking fast studies and we vastly outnumber them if we all get involved.
Push forward, we're going to win.