Every single day...

Wall to Wall coverage or just once? You two work that out. It's.not good no matter who is doing it and shows a huge failure by alot of people. Maybe some more defund the police movements could help fix it?
Don’t watch. Just five second search on internet proved WVU82 wrong. Like usual.
Don’t watch. Just five second search on internet proved WVU82 wrong. Like usual.

It didn't prove anything other than you found one article. No wall to wall coverage of Chicago on MSM TV. Other than Fox they hardly ever cover the border or gang/cartel crime on TV either.

Mass shooting in Florida last night.
14-15 people shot.
At least two dead.

No outrage from Hogg, Sisson, or Padellan (BrooklynDad).
Nothing from Biden or Harris, either.

It’s Black thugs shooting Black folks, so they can’t really use this to advance their narrative without also admitting their soft on crime policies are a failure.

The truth is they don’t give a f*ck about you, your life, or guns.

It ain’t about “the children.”

They simply want control over you.

Guns won’t allow them to do that, so they need to disarm you.

Don’t fall for it.
Hey, I'm all in for giving up my assault rifles to save lives. Still, doesn't fix the lives of people who are lost in other ways.

So, if we are going to start dismantling the second amendment, let's go all in.

1st: Require everyone to go to a Christian church of their choosing. Mandatory attendance at minimum of 5 days per week. We have to get "at the heart" of the violence that is plaguing our country. This is a good start. Christian churches only since they are the only ones who preach peace with your fellow man. Church attendance is abysmal today. Mass murder has gone up. See the connection?

2nd: Bring back prayer in schools. Matter of fact, let's just start with an education that is Biblical in nature to build a solid foundation. Kids today are dumber than a box of rocks. They can't even tell a man from a woman. Can't define one either. Can't read, can't spell, can't count change, can't think for themselves. The education system in this nation is a failure. Let's fix it right.

3rd: Let's bring back the universal death penalty. Forget state choice, we've got to get rid of these criminals who prey on society. Murderers - death. Rapists - death. Even go so far as 3 strikes for any crimes - death.

4th: Put women back into the home. Women need to be home raising children. Today, our children are raised by strangers in "daycares" so Mom and Dad can live in overpriced housing with 4 cars and Netflix. Think about it - supply and demand. The supply of workers goes down, men can now work at a job that makes enough to feed the whole family. Plus, children actually bond with their parents which makes less "confused", angry children who grow up to shoot up schools.

5th: Build more insane asylums. We need a place for the Bruce Jenners, the one who screwed up Bud Light, and the one who wants to swim with girls during their competitions. Something is obviously wrong with their wiring. Shock it back into place. Saw where someone said that today's youth has one out of 5 like this. They need fixed and away from the normal people.

Sound reasonable to all of you who want to disallow assault weapons? Are you not willing to give up a little to make this country better like I am? To me, this is a reasonable sacrifice for everyone if we can just get rid of those pesky assault rifles. Everyone chips in, we won't need them anyway.

Or, does this sound like life in every third world sump Islamic country in the world? Or China? Because when you give up the second, you give up the first, third, 4th, really, all of your basic rights.
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Hey, I'm all in for giving up my assault rifles to save lives. Still, doesn't fix the lives of people who are lost in other ways.

So, if we are going to start dismantling the second amendment, let's go all in.

1st: Require everyone to go to a Christian church of their choosing. Mandatory attendance at minimum of 5 days per week. We have to get "at the heart" of the violence that is plaguing our country. This is a good start. Christian churches only since they are the only ones who preach peace with your fellow man. Church attendance is abysmal today. Mass murder has gone up. See the connection?

2nd: Bring back prayer in schools. Matter of fact, let's just start with an education that is Biblical in nature to build a solid foundation. Kids today are dumber than a box of rocks. They can't even tell a man from a woman. Can't define one either. Can't read, can't spell, can't count change, can't think for themselves. The education system in this nation is a failure. Let's fix it right.

3rd: Let's bring back the universal death penalty. Forget state choice, we've got to get rid of these criminals who prey on society. Murderers - death. Rapists - death. Even go so far as 3 strikes for any crimes - death.

4th: Put women back into the home. Women need to be home raising children. Today, our children are raised by strangers in "daycares" so Mom and Dad can live in overpriced housing with 4 cars and Netflix. Think about it - supply and demand. The supply of workers goes down, men can now work at a job that makes enough to feed the whole family. Plus, children actually bond with their parents which makes less "confused", angry children who grow up to shoot up schools.

5th: Build more insane asylums. We need a place for the Bruce Jenners, the one who screwed up Bud Light, and the one who wants to swim with girls during their competitions. Something is obviously wrong with their wiring. Shock it back into place. Saw where someone said that today's youth has one out of 5 like this. They need fixed and away from the normal people.

Sound reasonable to all of you who want to disallow assault weapons? Are you not willing to give up a little to make this country better like I am? To me, this is a reasonable sacrifice for everyone if we can just get rid of those pesky assault rifles. Everyone chips in, we won't need them anyway.

Or, does this sound like life in every third world sump Islamic country in the world? Or China? Because when you give up the second, you give up the first, third, 4th, really, all of your basic rights.

First you don't own an Assault Rifle and Semiautomatic Rifles are not the only thing they are after. Ask why the one's who want your guns do nothing about the border, want to defund the police, do nothing about gang violence, and refuse to do anything for the mentally ill other than toss them medications.

Other than that you sound like controlled opposition. Inviting people to church is one thing. You sound like someone mocking Christians sprinkling in some other legitimate points?
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There are many ways to attack someone's argument.

One way, the way most preferred by people on here, is the childish, immature way. That is, to call someone names, mock them, and try to ridicule them. It is to divide people into two camps, not Christian and unbeliever, but Republican and Democrat/Socialist/ etc. Right vs. Wrong. Truth is, most follow the teachings of their own Bible, i.e. the Republican or Democrat Platform and worship their own personal Messiahs like Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Sadly, it is by the very people who "claim" to be "Christian" but certainly exhibit no evidence of it in their postings on this site.

A second way is to attack the argument with logic. Show where the argument is weak by exposing the fallacies behind it. This is the method I prefer. I actually try to show my Christian beliefs by appealing to them from a different standpoint. To each their own, though...

"On that day, many will say to Me 'Lord, Lord, did we not ... in your name?' And then I will declare to them, "Depart from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you" (Matthew 7:21-23)
There are many ways to attack someone's argument.

One way, the way most preferred by people on here, is the childish, immature way. That is, to call someone names, mock them, and try to ridicule them. It is to divide people into two camps, not Christian and unbeliever, but Republican and Democrat/Socialist/ etc. Right vs. Wrong. Truth is, most follow the teachings of their own Bible, i.e. the Republican or Democrat Platform and worship their own personal Messiahs like Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Sadly, it is by the very people who "claim" to be "Christian" but certainly exhibit no evidence of it in their postings on this site.

A second way is to attack the argument with logic. Show where the argument is weak by exposing the fallacies behind it. This is the method I prefer. I actually try to show my Christian beliefs by appealing to them from a different standpoint. To each their own, though...

"On that day, many will say to Me 'Lord, Lord, did we not ... in your name?' And then I will declare to them, "Depart from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you" (Matthew 7:21-23)

All that silliness to swipe at Trump.

So to summarize. Orange Man Bad.
Wall to Wall coverage or just once? You two work that out. It's.not good no matter who is doing it and shows a huge failure by alot of people. Maybe some more defund the police movements could help fix it?
No wall to wall coverage. Of course not. Just a blurb so the sheep can pretend they are not racist
No wall to wall coverage. Of course not. Just a blurb so the sheep can pretend they are not racist

It has more to do with bad Democrat Policies and the media not wanting to draw attention to that.
Go for it.

Truth is, between him and Biden, I would too.

What is scary though is that to many people, Trump is the only person who can deliver. That is from both camps - one who believes that if he, and only he, gets the nomination and elected the country is saved - and the one who believes that if he, and only he, gets elected the country is screwed.

That ideology is what led to the incredible populism behind Hitler, Mao, etc. The belief that HE is the savior of the ills of the country and that he will "punish" the enemies of the state that have caused this crises. The belief that HE is the Devil who has come to destroy us and our way of life and send us off to some concentration camp somewhere. This leads to, and worse, deepens, the political divide in this country. It's what leads to one side calling the other fascist, Nazi, socialist, etc. and the issues that plague us never even getting discussed seriously, much less resolved.

We are the UNITED states. We have to find the common ground we share and start our discussions from there. We aren't being attacked by China, we're being attacked by our own stupidity. By people who can't think logically, only emotionally. By people who think insults are the key to winning debates and arguments.
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Go for it.

Truth is, between him and Biden, I would too.

What is scary though is that to many people, Trump is the only person who can deliver. That is from both camps - one who believes that if he, and only he, gets the nomination and elected the country is saved - and the one who believes that if he, and only he, gets elected the country is screwed.

That ideology is what led to the incredible populism behind Hitler, Mao, etc. The belief that HE is the savior of the ills of the country and that he will "punish" the enemies of the state that have caused this crises. The belief that HE is the Devil who has come to destroy us and our way of life and send us off to some concentration camp somewhere. This leads to, and worse, deepens, the political divide in this country. It's what leads to one side calling the other fascist, Nazi, socialist, etc. and the issues that plague us never even getting discussed seriously, much less resolved.

We are the UNITED states. We have to find the common ground we share and start our discussions from there. We aren't being attacked by China, we're being attacked by our own stupidity. By people who can't think logically, only emotionally. By people who think insults are the key to winning debates and arguments.

All that to compare Trump to Hitler. Seek help.
You do believe in the freedom of speech? You do believe in the freedom of assembly?

As long as this protest remains peaceful and safe, let them have their say. That's their right, even in Britain. Yet, speech and assembly still have consequences.

Britain should round them up, see who really believes in what they chant, and then send them on a one-way ticket to Gaza. Bet they are like most people here - all mouth but no action.
You do believe in the freedom of speech? You do believe in the freedom of assembly?

As long as this protest remains peaceful and safe, let them have their say. That's their right, even in Britain. Yet, speech and assembly still have consequences.

Britain should round them up, see who really believes in what they chant, and then send them on a one-way ticket to Gaza. Bet they are like most people here - all mouth but no action.

These are the same people who commit violent protest all the time. Today they are behaving to win sympathy. Eventually they plan to end you.

Same with these folks here in the US. The students at Columbia and in the streets.

Give them a free plane ticket to Ben Gurion. Let them be the change they so desire to see in Gaza. I bet, when they search up the Starbucks in Gaza City and see its now a missile crater, and learn that there is no Internet so they couldn't play their Call of Duty, they'll give it up and go back to fighting for trans rights.
The Palestinians are the Jews of the Arab world - the group that nobody in the Arab world wants. The lowest of the low, etc. That's why Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are all OK with those attacks from three weeks ago. They get what they desire - dead Jews - without having to shed their own blood to do it. As long as those Palestinians remain in their prison sandbox, and aren't forced into surrounding countries by any type of decree, things will be fine.

Also, this is a great benefit to all of us. We get to see the Anti-Semites come out of the darkness and into the light. Makes it easier to keep an eye on them so they can't do something stupid.
The Palestinians are the Jews of the Arab world - the group that nobody in the Arab world wants. The lowest of the low, etc. That's why Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are all OK with those attacks from three weeks ago. They get what they desire - dead Jews - without having to shed their own blood to do it. As long as those Palestinians remain in their prison sandbox, and aren't forced into surrounding countries by any type of decree, things will be fine.

Also, this is a great benefit to all of us. We get to see the Anti-Semites come out of the darkness and into the light. Makes it easier to keep an eye on them so they can't do something stupid.

You think this is about Palestinians. That's cute.
Oh, it's not?

It's about hating Jews, right?

These people who are protesting, who are doing so without actually doing anything other than protesting (right now), should have what done to them?

See, at least in this country, there is this thing called the Constitution. Other countries have something similar. This Constitution protects the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom of petition. Says so right there in the first amendment. I would safely say it says something similar in the countries of Europe's constitutions also.

The government cannot prevent someone from thinking something. Cannot prevent them from grouping together, from protesting, from asking the government to take certain policies. Of course, there are some limitations but one of these is not prior restraint - the taking away of someone's rights just because you don't agree with them.

From your many post using this Visegrad 24 as a source, this appears to be what you are implying those governments (and ours?) should do - seek some form of justice or retribution for having the wrong ideas. Why do you see boogeymen behind every tree? I'm not afraid of them, nor their ideas. Why should you?
Oh, it's not?

It's about hating Jews, right?

These people who are protesting, who are doing so without actually doing anything other than protesting (right now), should have what done to them?

See, at least in this country, there is this thing called the Constitution. Other countries have something similar. This Constitution protects the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom of petition. Says so right there in the first amendment. I would safely say it says something similar in the countries of Europe's constitutions also.

The government cannot prevent someone from thinking something. Cannot prevent them from grouping together, from protesting, from asking the government to take certain policies. Of course, there are some limitations but one of these is not prior restraint - the taking away of someone's rights just because you don't agree with them.

From your many post using this Visegrad 24 as a source, this appears to be what you are implying those governments (and ours?) should do - seek some form of justice or retribution for having the wrong ideas. Why do you see boogeymen behind every tree? I'm not afraid of them, nor their ideas. Why should you?

I didn't see anyone hiding behind a tree goofball. They are pretty much out in the open and sure some of them hate Jews. Mostly it's about destroying all governments so they can create their utopia.

It's the same people.

Thread 'Americans Must Watch This !'
Dude... you actually believe all that?

You believe that Antifa, BLM, Bernie Sanders, and Jane Fonda are part of this international cabal to rid the world of democracy?

Antifa and BLM, which haven't had even a parade since 2020 in their attempt to get Trump ousted are working out in the open to destroy America?

That Bernie Sanders, a frog-tongued senator from Vermont who can't even win his party's nomination is trying to create utopia?

That Jane Fonda (Jane Fonda?), whose career was so over that she had to try to resurrect it by launching workout videos for fat chicks during the Reagan administration, seeks world power?

All because Andy, Ian, Jack, Travis, E, Vitalisk, and Brittany, to name just a few, told you so on Twitter?

If these people are behind a new world order, and they are doing it openly, they certainly are failing.

The Bible tells us how all of this is all going to fall out. That's far more accurate than Twitter. I'm not worried, I won't be here to see it anyway and I'm not ashamed of that. What about you?
Dude... you actually believe all that?

You believe that Antifa, BLM, Bernie Sanders, and Jane Fonda are part of this international cabal to rid the world of democracy?

Antifa and BLM, which haven't had even a parade since 2020 in their attempt to get Trump ousted are working out in the open to destroy America?

That Bernie Sanders, a frog-tongued senator from Vermont who can't even win his party's nomination is trying to create utopia?

That Jane Fonda (Jane Fonda?), whose career was so over that she had to try to resurrect it by launching workout videos for fat chicks during the Reagan administration, seeks world power?

All because Andy, Ian, Jack, Travis, E, Vitalisk, and Brittany, to name just a few, told you so on Twitter?

If these people are behind a new world order, and they are doing it openly, they certainly are failing.

The Bible tells us how all of this is all going to fall out. That's far more accurate than Twitter. I'm not worried, I won't be here to see it anyway and I'm not ashamed of that. What about you?

No you said all that. Nice attempt to trying to muddy up the waters. I have never mentioned Jane Fonda. As far as the other groups and their ties to foreign governments I have explained it numerous times. People can read it and watch it for themselves. Adhomniem attacks isn't going to help your cause either. As far the Bible goes. You obviously believe in the pre-tribulatiion rapture theroy vs post tribulation. FYI propaganda experts love to use the pre-tribulation theroy to persuade people not to care. So else you truly are ignorant about what's going on around you or lying.
You asked me to read the thread you posted.

I did. Lost precious time wading through the nonsense. Bernie, Hanoi Jane - they are right there on the first page. If this is your idea of a joke, dude THAT WAS AWESOME!!

If not? If you are serious?

Now, if you could just walk me through which of the conspiracy theory Twitter posts I'm supposed to believe and understand and which are utter nonsense that would be a big help.

They almost had me on the lizard people. Nancy and Joe on page 12 I think. Makes sense. I've wondered if that show V that came on in the 80's was the first reality TV show. That thread was proof until I saw Biden's cleft chin. I knew then no true lizard would ever be seen with a cleft chin. Not in Utopia. (See how silly it all is when exposed to some light?)

None of that was an ad hominem attack. I don't think you know what that means. I was simply asking questions to see if you truly believe what you post. I see you do.

I do believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. That's what it says in the Bible. I believe the Bible and TRY to live accordingly. Don't really worry about "propaganda experts" if they are preaching the Bible. I call them Christians, you call them what you wish.

I'm not ignorant of the world. I just don't fear it. Ignorance brings fear. Fear brings hatred. There is too much hatred in the world. All because of fear and ignorance.

Good night and God bless...
You asked me to read the thread you posted.

I did. Lost precious time wading through the nonsense. Bernie, Hanoi Jane - they are right there on the first page. If this is your idea of a joke, dude THAT WAS AWESOME!!

If not? If you are serious?

Now, if you could just walk me through which of the conspiracy theory Twitter posts I'm supposed to believe and understand and which are utter nonsense that would be a big help.

They almost had me on the lizard people. Nancy and Joe on page 12 I think. Makes sense. I've wondered if that show V that came on in the 80's was the first reality TV show. That thread was proof until I saw Biden's cleft chin. I knew then no true lizard would ever be seen with a cleft chin. Not in Utopia. (See how silly it all is when exposed to some light?)

None of that was an ad hominem attack. I don't think you know what that means. I was simply asking questions to see if you truly believe what you post. I see you do.

I do believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. That's what it says in the Bible. I believe the Bible and TRY to live accordingly. Don't really worry about "propaganda experts" if they are preaching the Bible. I call them Christians, you call them what you wish.

I'm not ignorant of the world. I just don't fear it. Ignorance brings fear. Fear brings hatred. There is too much hatred in the world. All because of fear and ignorance.

Good night and God bless...

Again with mudding up the waters. You're making a fool of yourself. Take your meds and go to bed. Everyone else can read through the thread I posted and see you are full of it.

As far as pre-tribulation rapture or post not all Christians agree. People can google John Darby and decide for themselves.
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I disagree. I'm simply making clear what is already a muddy post. I shouldn't say mud, it's more of a different brown substance but alas, all the same.

Sure, there are those who see boogeymen everywhere, who live in fear of even going out into the streets, who fear living life because of the posts in the thread you offered as your evidence. They'll also turn their fear into hatred - hatred for anyone who believes and thinks differently than they. See it on here all the time.

I know, the CCP, the Russians, or whatever shadow government currently trying to take over the world is behind all of it. Trying to turn everything into their own utopia and are using Antifa, BLM, Bernie, and Hanoi Jane to do it. Thank goodness we have Ian, Jack, Andy, Brittany and most of all Twitter to keep us all informed. The ones who can't see it - well, they're just dumb, blind, ox being led to the slaughter. But, to those who do see it - they are the enlightened ones trying to share the message to the world - and that message is be afraid, be very afraid, trust no one, and stockpile weapons and ammunition for that day when they come for you.

But, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the CCP/Russians/NWO are using the Ians, Brittanys, and Jacks of Twitter to turn YOU into someone who will destroy the US - from within? It would really be easy. People are already addicted - some to alcohol, some to meth, some to opioids - but worse than all of these are those addicted to Twitter and the Internet. Who think Google is never wrong -unless it disagrees with them - then its a Russian/Chinese prop for misinformation. Better Google that and check on Twitter to see if that's true.
I disagree. I'm simply making clear what is already a muddy post. I shouldn't say mud, it's more of a different brown substance but alas, all the same.

Sure, there are those who see boogeymen everywhere, who live in fear of even going out into the streets, who fear living life because of the posts in the thread you offered as your evidence. They'll also turn their fear into hatred - hatred for anyone who believes and thinks differently than they. See it on here all the time.

I know, the CCP, the Russians, or whatever shadow government currently trying to take over the world is behind all of it. Trying to turn everything into their own utopia and are using Antifa, BLM, Bernie, and Hanoi Jane to do it. Thank goodness we have Ian, Jack, Andy, Brittany and most of all Twitter to keep us all informed. The ones who can't see it - well, they're just dumb, blind, ox being led to the slaughter. But, to those who do see it - they are the enlightened ones trying to share the message to the world - and that message is be afraid, be very afraid, trust no one, and stockpile weapons and ammunition for that day when they come for you.

But, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the CCP/Russians/NWO are using the Ians, Brittanys, and Jacks of Twitter to turn YOU into someone who will destroy the US - from within? It would really be easy. People are already addicted - some to alcohol, some to meth, some to opioids - but worse than all of these are those addicted to Twitter and the Internet. Who think Google is never wrong -unless it disagrees with them - then its a Russian/Chinese prop for misinformation. Better Google that and check on Twitter to see if that's true.

You sound like this clown on post 4.

Post in thread 'Americans Must Watch This !'