Top Deck is full of himself.
Wrong. There are people who subscribe to cable, and cable type services, who have the option of not including the ESPN package. This whole discussion at this point is just a matter of you trying to cover your tracks. You're just wrong.
It is true that some have misinterpreted things you have said ... but that doesn't mean that you haven't been fundamentally wrong.
And the story of ESPN "exploring" the possibility of a reconfigured B12 is very plausible. Doesn't mean it will happen. But with ESPN losing money and facing the likelihood of losing a lot more it is extremely plausible that they would explore all kinds of possibilities.
You're just so full of yourself that there is little reason to keep responding to you. You'll just blather on and on just to get the last word. But you fool no one but yourself.
No, you are incorrect. You are yourself misinterpreting what I said. Cable subscribers do NOT have the option of including ESPN. Cable companies do NOT offer a la carte options. What cable companies actually do is offer a few pre-determined packages, and you only get to choose from those.
Let's say "Cable X" company offers 5 packages. The cable company itself has determined which channels are included with each of the 5 packages. That's all you get to choose from, is just the 5 packages. You don't get to choose which channels make up the 5 packages.
The point being, a cable customer cannot choose whether or not they want ESPN. They can only choose between packages, which either do or don't include ESPN.
Now, here is my point. Most of the cable packages that don't include ESPN don't include most other popular channels either. They are just bare-bones packages. Not many people buy those packages. The overwhelming majority of cable packages purchased by customers are the ones that include ESPN and other such channels.
So in other words, people aren't going to buy a low-grade cable package just to avoid ESPN. They will either simply not watch ESPN, or they will dump cable and get an alternative provider, with different options.
The rumor of ESPN and this revamped Big 12 is not plausible at all. Here is why. Your idea of a revamped Big 12 does nothing to solve ESPN's problems. It doesn't stop them from losing subscribers. It doesn't stop them from losing money. It doesn't somehow make it easier for them to convert to streaming. It literally does nothing to help ESPN.
Of course, that rumor is also contingent on the Big 12 raiding Big Ten teams (mainly Nebraska), and that in itself is a pipe dream. The Big Ten is the highest paying conference in the country. (Plus there is still the issue of the GOR.) The necessary schools simply have no incentive to even attempt such a move (which is why you don't see it coming anywhere close to even happening).
Yes. I made it very clear. I will repost it for a third time if it would.
You just couldn't keep up, and fell behind.
Yeah, and again, I saw that the first time. As I said, here is your problem. You've been arguing with me long before you said that, and I was talking about subscribers (not viewers) the whole time. Here are the first 6 posts you made to me, before you issued your little "clarification"
And the response is more affordable, trimmed down packages that cut back on the heavy sports burden that most consumers don't want.
It is an industry wide problem, but ESPN carries the highest liabilities due to their long term contracts.
It's not my fault ESPN overwhelmed their balance sheet with enormous future liabilities.
Topdecktiger always argues that consumers have a moral obligation to buy large cable packages.
Everytime this topic is mentioned, you turn up like a bad penny and start shilling for ESPN.
You are a shill. Why and for what reason, I do not know but you are definitely a shill for ESPN.
It's clear as day.
Your professional fate might be tied to ESPN, or cable, but that's your problem.
It's not personal, I felt the same way about Blockbuster.
See, you made six, count 'em, six posts, when the whole discussion was about subscribers. Again, if your argument has been about viewers from the beginning, then it was stupid for you to make these six posts, because I was never talking about viewers when you made these responses. You were arguing with someone who was discussing a completely different topic. Not to smart.