Eron Harris is a big part of a very good Mich St team

There were no donors in Ollie's ear about Huggs other than to see how they could help with the upcoming Coliseum renovations....

And I'll say anything? Tambo is the same chump that ran off from the scout board and disapppeared all last basketball season here too once Huggs removed the issues and brought back in some more- mentally strong recruits

I did not run off of the Scout Board. I was banned because I posted a thread titled "Geno Smith Arrested." There was a football player, in Texas I think, named Geno Smith who was arrested. I put up the thread and I was banned. And frankly, if you go back and check the time frame of the real Geno Smith being arrested I do not think that it was clear that Huggs was turning things around.

Note how Keaton must attack my character. He never really has interacted with my main argument. He lies about what I say and then twists things that I have said.

HERE IS MY WVU BASKETBALL PREDICTION: This is the one I made years ago and I'll stick to it. And Keaton hates it. If Bob Huggins puts a competitive team on the floor that lacks player AND COACH drama on and off the court then people will support him and his program. But to the degree that those things don't happen the support will decrease. Shocking, isn't it?

Example: If this season a couple of players are arrested, another couple leave after the season, another report of Huggs being drunk at a coaching clinic during his presentation emerges, and his team fell apart coming down the stretch of the season people would be saying, "What is going on?" If that kind of behavior more or less continued for another season or two more and more people will start questioning things.

The problem for Keaton is that what I predicted did in fact happen. Actually both sides of my prediction happened. The questions and doubt increased until Huggs starting have a relatively stable program and then the criticism waned.

Keaton hates me because the only thing I ever predicted about Huggs has held true. The only other issue I have addressed is that over the years Huggs teams often (not always) have less than effective guard play on offense and that catches up with them in the NCAAs. For making this observation and holding to my prediction I must, in Keaton's world, be tarred and feathered.

Like I said, in Keaton's World you either sit on Huggs lap and play with his man boobs or you are a complete idiot. The fact that I "observed" early that Huggs was risking losing support unless he got things under control is a venal sin in Keaton's World.

Now... anyone who knows Keaton via chat board world knows the he can't let what I just said stand. He'll have to come back and spin a bunch of BS because I don't worship the ground that Huggs walks on. I don't hate Huggs. I just don't worship the ground that he walks on.
Really didn't read

You lie.

The truth is you have no reasonable response. And so you say you didn't read and then you expect people to believe your lie.

I don't know what's worse. Your propensity to tell blatant lies or the possibility that you actually believe your lies.

But by all means .... keep telling your lies and I'll keep correcting your record and more and more people will know how you really are.

Or .... you could just quit telling lies about me and I'll say nothing.
I plan to delete this entire thread if even one more person chimes in on a player that choose to leave WV for what he thought was greener pastures. I'm serious!
Someone on here is really obsessed -- four voyeuristic bare-chested Huggs' fantasy references in four different posts.
Yup, Harris is playing a HUGE role. 4 whole minutes, and 4 pnts against Boise.. MSU picked up a good one there. Oh wait, I bet they are saving him for conference gammes
MSU picked up some quality depth with Harris.

The decision he made was his to make. As Huggins like to say, "I don't have a rear view mirror", perhaps some of our fans should adopt that wisdom.
You have been warned. This thread is coming down! The decision was mines to make. I have a rear view mirror! Perhaps folks should have adopted my wisdom.