I'm calling "BS" on
@MountaineerWV 's specious claim to be "semi-retired" from his government do-nothing job because he doesn't even have the temerity to briefly explain in five simple bullet points what exactly he accomplished in it last week or what exactly is it that he does? Yes, he was bragging about it roughly 5 years ago, yet when challenged on it
then, he clammed up just as he's doing now in this thread... not even offering a rudimentary explanation of what the "nothing" is he gets paid to do with Kentucky taxpayer's hard earned funds after bragging about collecting coin for it!
For those of you unfamiliar with his false boasting, here's what he said about it (then) when asked to explain it?
Feb 18, 2020
Here's a link to the whole thread
Retired......well, semi-retired......... [roll][roll][roll] Suck it.
So I'm officially calling "BS" on his entire bogus claim...measured by his
silence then and now refusing to offer even a reasonable explanation of what he's being paid by Kentucky's taxpayers NOT to do in his self described "semi-retirement"? š
@MountaineerWV 's self assigned "BS" meter on his "part time" government "do nothing" job.
Too bad Elon Musk hasn't brought his DOGE auditors to Kentucky to smoke out this poster's obvious waste, fraud & abuse.
@MountaineerWV ...about that "part time" falsely labeled "semi-retirement" gig you were bragging so much about??????