Eagles sign Tebow**

I think Chip Kelly has jumped the shark.

Why would they sign Tebow? I have a hard time believing they think he'll do anything other than attract media attention.
Re: I think Chip Kelly has jumped the shark.

I would imagine he signed him to be a 3rd team guy that defenses will have to prepare a differently for.

Tebow is a spread offense guy. They run the spread. If he's pressed into service now they have a Mariotta type guy without having to draft Mariottta.
Except Mariotta can throw

Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
If he's pressed into service now they have a Mariotta type guy without having to draft Mariottta.
That's kinda what I was thinking

Pat White is a spread QB too but unfortunately he's not a good enough passer to do much in the NFL and I don't think Tebow is either.

Mariotta is about to be a high NFL draft pick while Tebow available for anyone to pick up and nobody did until Philly so I'd say that under current scouting calculus Mariotta is more highly thought of than Tebow.

It just seems like a media distraction. Kelly is s devious operator though so you never know what he has up his sleeve.
Re: Eagles sign Tebow to clean up their tarnished immage

They could stand a bit of cleansing.
Re: Except Mariotta can throw

How many 3rd string QB's are your best passers?

Now how many 3rd string guys can do what Tebow can?

I don't understand how people can't see this. He isn't a starter. They aren't asking him to start.
They are asking him to be a great 3rd option.
Re: That's kinda what I was thinking

One of the NFL talking heads broke down the throws Mariotta was asked to make in that offense.
About 8% were NFL type throws.

I have no clue if he'll be a great pro or not. But Tim Tebow is a spread offense QB going to a spread offense team.
He won't have to make the throws he did in Denver or New England.

Same with Pat White. He'd be great as a back up for the Eagles. That's all they are asking Tebow to do.
Re: Except Mariotta can throw

The question isn't how many 3rd string guys can do what Tebow can the question is do you want your 3rd string QB to be as much like your first two strings or instead someone totally different so you have to change your whole offense around for him. Tebow can run better than most 3rd string (or 1st string) QBs but he can't pass as well as most 3rd string QBs.

With the way the game is now at least, if you can't pass the ball well you simply can't play QB effectively in the NFL.
Re: Except Mariotta can throw

How many 3rd string guys have started in the playoffs? Won NFL games as a starter? And can run the spread offense?

If this was a typical NFL offense, your point would be valid. This is a college style offense.
Re: Except Mariotta can throw

A spread offense can be run or throw or a mix. Since Philly's top two QBs are Sam Bradford and Mark Sanchez they're obviously not going the run route. Philly traded away starting passing QB Nick Foles in exchange for starting passing QB Sam Bradford so they must want a QB that can pass to start.

Michael Vick has done all those things you name and he can pass better than Tebow, although he'd be more expensive.
Re: That's kinda what I was thinking

I think Tebow would make a good tight end (no pun intended). I just can't ever see him being a QB. He has the size and build to be a tight end.
Re: Except Mariotta can throw

No Question Vick is Better than Tebow. But I'm guessing you can get Tebow at a bargain price.

What other 3rd team guy would you take over him?

If you're an NFL Defensive Coordinator, Tebow causes more problems than your average #3.

Tebow's weakness is his throwing and completion percentage (49%).
His strength is he doesn't make bad decisions with the ball. Usually twice as many TD's than picks. Add in the Rushing TD's he can a #3 gives you more than the average #3.

If you have to throw to win, he certainly isn't your guy. But what #3 is?
Update; Tebow news....


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