On the list:
2 Aubrey Burks
14 Khalil Wilkins
20 Diore Hubbard
20 Key'on Washington
23 Trae'von Dunbar
25 Jordan Jackson
44 Oryend Fisher
62 Kyle Altuner
82 Gregory Genross
86 Will Dixon
Not on the list:
0 Ayden Garnes
2 Justin Robinson
5 Jaden Bray
7 Traylon Ray
52 Corey McIntyre
94 Makai Byerson
2 Aubrey Burks
14 Khalil Wilkins
20 Diore Hubbard
20 Key'on Washington
23 Trae'von Dunbar
25 Jordan Jackson
44 Oryend Fisher
62 Kyle Altuner
82 Gregory Genross
86 Will Dixon
Not on the list:
0 Ayden Garnes
2 Justin Robinson
5 Jaden Bray
7 Traylon Ray
52 Corey McIntyre
94 Makai Byerson