Donald Trump Allies Aim for Five Decades of MAGA Controlling Government

I found the last line of that nonsensical piece from the OP attempting to ascribe some type of sinister motive behind Trump's MAGA agenda comical

(from article)
"Bannon has been ordered to report to prison by July 1 after being convicted of contempt of Congress in 2022 due to failing to comply with a subpoena in the investigation of the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot. He was sentenced to four months.

So let me make sure I get this straight. Bannon refuses to cooperate with a Congressional subpoena and gets sentenced to Jail correct?

Meanwhile this guy...Hi I'm Eric Holder...

...I told Congress to go f**k themselves when they subpoenaed me!

and this guy....Hi, I'm Merrick Garland...I did too!!!!

BOTH worked for the DOJ as AGs and BOTH also refused to cooperate when subpoenaed by Congress... Yet, neither have even been indicted yet! 🤔

Anyone on the Left care to explain that to me so it makes some sense?

Isn't the silence from the Left golden? It's almost as if by their silence they're admitting it's all total political horse manure. :rolleyes:
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Nothing as bad as the eight years of affirmative action and four years of old age.
Hey I resent that "old age" remark!

Have you seen yourself in public lately creepy Joe?

I was a little embarrassed looking at myself during the recent G7 summit

You looked horrible creepy Joe....surprised no one told 'ya?

Oh trust me they did...very much so!

Joe Biden "worst he's ever been" according to G7 insider

Joe Biden's performance at the recent G7 summit has sparked concern among insiders, who describe it as his "worst ever" showing at a major international gathering.

During the summit held in Puglia, Italy, global leaders gathered for a group photo session, a customary event at such meetings. However, Biden seemed to lose track of the proceedings and wandered away from the group before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni gently guided him back.
Sources within the diplomatic community, speaking anonymously, expressed alarm at Biden's performance. One source noted that while Biden exhibited occasional moments of sharpness and clarity during discussions, there were instances where he appeared to struggle to maintain concentration.

I'll expose this cretin for the absent minded blank suit he is in the upcoming debates!

They're terrified of you DJT, that's why they're trying to put you in jail!
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That’s awesome! You guys had your time and destroyed America over the last 65 years. Every last one of you “The Times They Are A Changing” libtards and your hippie drug infested bullshit created this. It’s time for the adults to be back in charge.
They are never held accountable or forced to explain their abject failures in policy. NEVER. Instead they simply blame others, then boldly call for more of the same screwed up policies that screwed everything up in the first place! I mean it's unreal.

Ask a Leftist to tell you one thing they've proposed that's worked as planned and worked out well? Any topic, any policy.

You'll go deaf trying to hear their well explained, factually corroborated answer. :rolleyes:
That’s awesome! You guys had your time and destroyed America over the last 65 years. Every last one of you “The Times They Are A Changing” libtards and your hippie drug infested bullshit created this. It’s time for the adults to be back in charge.
Democrats held WV for 80 years and we ranked at the bottom of every good metric and at the top of every bad .....
And we are electing the blood line of arch Moore....
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Moe must not be listening. Every description of Trump And mainstream republicans is exactly what Dems see in their mirrors every morning. Then they repeat those visions in an attempt to get a Repub to say something nasty to focus on the reas of the week....
lol Are you drunk? Your people are saying the quiet part out loud which is that they want to rig the system for perpetual MAGA rule. That's Repubs saying that not Dems. Repubs just showed the world in 2020 what they are willing to do to overthrow the government with fake electors, threatening SOSs to "find" votes, break into voting machines to steal the software all with the blessing of Congressional Repubs. shew
lol Are you drunk? Your people are saying the quiet part out loud which is that they want to rig the system for perpetual MAGA rule. That's Repubs saying that not Dems. Repubs just showed the world in 2020 what they are willing to do to overthrow the government with fake electors, threatening SOSs to "find" votes, break into voting machines to steal the software all with the blessing of Congressional Repubs. shew
Republicans convinced me how desperate they are to win at all costs when they shut down all those vote counts on election night and Trump was already ahead in all the races!

That told me they weren't leaving anything to chance.
lol Are you drunk? Your people are saying the quiet part out loud which is that they want to rig the system for perpetual MAGA rule. That's Repubs saying that not Dems. Repubs just showed the world in 2020 what they are willing to do to overthrow the government with fake electors, threatening SOSs to "find" votes, break into voting machines to steal the software all with the blessing of Congressional Repubs. shew
Damn boy, if you weren’t serious, you would make a great character for SNL
Fascist Repub autocrat fantasies are not fake news. Imagine any MSM network saying the same about Dems.

Donald Trump Allies Aim for Five Decades of MAGA Controlling Government
I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with this statement? People who believe in MAGA want to reshape the Govt and governing doctrine to be pro-MAGA for the next 50years? Ok.

All the parties want control for as long as they can get it? Is this like the first in a series of articles where they’re trying to make him literally Hitler a compare this to the Reich?
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I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with this statement? People who believe in MAGA want to reshape the Govt and governing doctrine to be pro-MAGA for the next 50years? Ok.

All the parties want control for as long as they can get it? Is this like the first in a series of articles where they’re trying to make him literally Hitler a compare this to the Reich?
Lyndon Johnson when discussing his ultimate goals for the proposing the "great society" programs Dems launched in the 60's is quoted as saying:

"I'll have them 'N****rs' voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

Wonder what Leftist opposed that?

Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963... "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".

The quote is attributed to LBJ in Ronald Kessler's book “Inside the White House”
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