Domestic Terrorists supporting another Terrorist Cabal....


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
"Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians," the group tweeted.

The announcement prompted a "thank you" tweet from the controversial Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement which has for years called for an economic embargo of Israel.

"Thank you for your solidarity," the left-wing group tweeted in response. "From Ferguson to Palestine, our struggles against racism, white supremacy and for a just world are united!

BLM is now openly supporting known terrorists groups. Groups that support terror groups should be designated as one themselves.

Remember when the Palestinians rejoiced when the twin towers came down on 9-11 and were dancing in the streets? This after all the aid, support and money they received from us over the decades.

The BLM name is a lie - it's a cover for the true foundational hatred and racism they stand for. Pay attention people......Black lives do matter....All lives matter