Did ANYONE else watch that Copa America final last night ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2001
I freely admit I myself have about as much interest in soccer as the NBA; but these types of nation-centered tournaments do pique my interest a bit. So, with nothing else worthwhile on the tube last night, I decided to tune-in that Argentina-Chile game; as much as anything else, because I knew that Messi guy (who I hear is one of the best ever) was playing.

Well, for yours truly, it confirmed why I largely never watch the game; lots of players running around in circles, few real scoring chances, and "men" whining to the ref.....who appeared last night to be soccer's equivalent of Teddy a bunch of Message Boards readers. But, the nationalistic aspect of the game was compelling, and it was pretty clear the opponents didn't like one another very much. That alone made it worth hanging around for the Chilean shootout win.

Anyway, I hear this Messi guy announced after the game he's done playing for Argentina. I can only assume he's become the sort-of Argentinian version of Barry Bonds; tear it up during his regular pro season (3,000 miles from home) and then take the pipe when the home boys (and girls) outside Barcelona actually care what he does. I know nothing about the game; but even though Chile appeared to my uninformed eyes to be a perfectly legitimate opponent, Messi did so little on his own I found myself wondering to what extent he was really invested in the game.

So, he solves his evidently congenital inability to deliver for the homeland by refusing to wear the baby blue vertical stripes ever again. Which leads to my reason for this post: for those of you who follow the game.....and understand Messi's status in the game worldwide..... to what extent does this decision tarnish his (I believe) otherwise gold-plated reputation ???
Couldn't watch it. There was a Law & Order SVU marathon on yesterday on USA, just couldn't miss that. I mean who knows when there will be another one of them on TV.