Scenario: Ok and Txs go elsewhere for more money etc. WVU is left with the remaining other seven. Bold move made maximizing market coverage, cable and a league wide network (with Texas LHN out of the way.)
Big 12 becomes the Big 16 with an Eastern and Western Division, CCG etc.
Western: Ok State, Kansas, Kansas St, Iowa St, TCU, Texas Tech, Baylor and new adds BYU and Colorado State (Denver market)
Eastern: WVU with some old foes and new ones...Cincy, Memphis, UConn, UCF, Navy, USF, ECU.
Result: Killer market coverage for cable and branded network appeal. Easier fan support. Very good football and exceptionally good mens and womens basketball. Reduced travel costs. etc
A true national conference. Just sayin'
Big 12 becomes the Big 16 with an Eastern and Western Division, CCG etc.
Western: Ok State, Kansas, Kansas St, Iowa St, TCU, Texas Tech, Baylor and new adds BYU and Colorado State (Denver market)
Eastern: WVU with some old foes and new ones...Cincy, Memphis, UConn, UCF, Navy, USF, ECU.
Result: Killer market coverage for cable and branded network appeal. Easier fan support. Very good football and exceptionally good mens and womens basketball. Reduced travel costs. etc
A true national conference. Just sayin'