Overwhelmingly agree with this post. Would it surprise me if Flynn, Manafort or Stone were somehow involved...no....but I don't think the Trump or Trump campaign had anything to do with the election meddling. Which is what makes all the denials and, basically, standing up for Russia infuriates the f**k out of me. F Russia and F Putin, and then let the Democrats over play their hand.
Look, I hate Putin and the Ruskies as much as anyone. When he took over Crimea, I would have hit them much, much harder than Obama did and because we didn't, he is taking over eastern Ukraine. It is kind of ironic that the Dems, who tolerated the Russians during the Cold War and always wanted to "give in" to achieve better relations are now the ones calling this hacking an "act of war." Wow, how times have changed. Remember how they mocked Reagan for walking away from Reykjavik? They went apoplectic when Reagan did not accept the Soviet offer. And all of the Soviet spies in the U.S. government and outside the government were Dems, as I recall. Remember the name Walter Duranty, the NY Times reporter that lied to the American people about Joseph Stalin (he essentially painted him as a hero) even though he slaughtered 10's of millions of Russian citizens.
I don't believe Flynn colluded with the Russians. I don't know Stone or Manafort, but based on how the Russians conducted the hacking (very loudly according to Comey), they did not try and hide anything. This points to the fact they did not care that we found out. I think they had reason enough to do this on their own based on Comey's own testimony.