Comey and the (lack of) Woods Procedure

You guys just believe anything these guys tell you. Not even other republicans on the judicial committee bought into Chuck and Lindsay's claims. Just let me know when an indictment comes down for Steele...or Comey....or Clinton.

Until then, continue to live in your echo chamber of John Solomon, Sean Hanity, and Qanon. Because I'm not wasting anymore time on you.

Hold tight to McClatchy now, ya hear!
You guys just believe anything these guys tell you. Not even other republicans on the judicial committee bought into Chuck and Lindsay's claims. Just let me know when an indictment comes down for Steele...or Comey....or Clinton.

Until then, continue to live in your echo chamber of John Solomon, Sean Hanity, and Qanon. Because I'm not wasting anymore time on you.
Says the guy repeating everything he heard in his own echo chamber. Still zero evidence of your claim Solomon lied. Now I wonder why that is?

You are misrepresenting what was said. We knew even before Comey was fired that they hadn't verified all of the dossier. However, there are parts of it that they have.

False. It's never been declared publicly anywhere that they have verified parts of it.

You've moved the goalposts so many times in the past year it is hard to keep up. Your first argument was that the judge didn't know the Steele Dossier had been paid for in part by the Clinton Campaign. The application that was released clearly showed that it had been made explicitly clear. As for verification, Comey stated that it was also likely explained and he was being very careful to not give any information he didn't know personally to be true.

You should also remember that this FISA was renewed several times, all by republican appointed judges.

That has absolutely nothing to do with you lying.

Dude, you absolutely got your ass handed to you in this thread. What in the world were you thinking reviving this thing? LMAO!
Dude, you absolutely got your ass handed to you in this thread. What in the world were you thinking reviving this thing? LMAO!
Boomer was incorrect in what he said.

The did not disclose it came from the Clinton camp in the application as has been shown by the release of the IG report. He was wrong.

And once again, you didn’t read what you attempted to use for backup and self owned. Once again, you’re a moron.
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Boomer was incorrect in what he said.

The did not disclose it came from the Clinton camp in the application as has been shown by the release of the IG report. He was wrong.

And once again, you didn’t read what you attempted to use for backup and self owned. Once again, you’re a moron.

Yeah, you, dumb dave and tarheel are reduced to "you're lying, you're wrong, you're stupid, you're ignorant..." Parts of the dossier have been confirmed. You rubes keep thinking the FBI, CIA, the entire DOJ are all in on it and people will actually be prosecuted for granting FISA warrants. LMAO!
He didnt understand any of it.

country STILL hasn't explained to the board what we would "all soon see" about the collusion Mueller has discovered that country knew about back in March of '17 and predicted Mueller would prove. Now all we hear from country and the Left is that Mueller's report and his findings of both collusion and obstruction is being "hidden" by Barr who is "covering" for Trump and trying to protect him from Mueller's damaning expose.

I don't know why country is waiting for the unredacted version of Mueller's report, why not just lay it all out for us @countryroads89?
Yeah, you, dumb dave and tarheel are reduced to "you're lying, you're wrong, you're stupid, you're ignorant..." Parts of the dossier have been confirmed. You rubes keep thinking the FBI, CIA, the entire DOJ are all in on it and people will actually be prosecuted for granting FISA warrants. LMAO!
Who told you the Dossier was confirmed? What us funny here is you suggesting others have nothing to say anout this. You have no idea and you parrit what msm tells you.
Yeah, you, dumb dave and tarheel are reduced to "you're lying, you're wrong, you're stupid, you're ignorant..." Parts of the dossier have been confirmed.

Oh I missed this. LOLOLOL!

What parts have been confirmed? And don't rehash the same old lazy Newsweek or McClatchy articles. I want definitive proof released from Mueller. McClatchy has been proven wrong, Cohen never went to Prague, as stated multiple times by him, his lawyer, and under oath. The only thing verified about Carter Page was that he indeed did take a trip to Russia. The conference is on youtube for God sakes. Practically everything else tied to the Trump campaign in the dossier is pure garbage.

You rubes keep thinking the FBI, CIA, the entire DOJ are all in on it and people will actually be prosecuted for granting FISA warrants. LMAO!

Yes, that's exactly what we think. Moron.
Oh I missed this. LOLOLOL!

What parts have been confirmed? And don't rehash the same old lazy Newsweek or McClatchy articles. I want definitive proof released from Mueller. McClatchy has been proven wrong, Cohen never went to Prague, as stated multiple times by him, his lawyer, and under oath. The only thing verified about Carter Page was that he indeed did take a trip to Russia. The conference is on youtube for God sakes. Practically everything else tied to the Trump campaign in the dossier is pure garbage.

Yes, that's exactly what we think. Moron.

country will still be blaming Trump for a "cover up" even as DOJ, and other Obama administration officials are indicted. If you want to know what full blown TDS looks like, read country's posts since Mueller's investigation has concluded. Pure derangement bordering on delusional senility.
country will still be blaming Trump for a "cover up" even as DOJ, and other Obama administration officials are indicted. If you want to know what full blown TDS looks like, read country's posts since Mueller's investigation has concluded. Pure derangement bordering on delusional senility.
You think she is delusional now wait until Mike Pence is sworn in. At that point my humanity kicks in and I become legitimately concerned for her well being.
You think she is delusional now wait until Mike Pence is sworn in. At that point my humanity kicks in and I become legitimately concerned for her well being.

Is country a Female? (I know we can't figure what race, but I thought country was Male)?
Yeah, you, dumb dave and tarheel are reduced to "you're lying, you're wrong, you're stupid, you're ignorant..." Parts of the dossier have been confirmed. You rubes keep thinking the FBI, CIA, the entire DOJ are all in on it and people will actually be prosecuted for granting FISA warrants. LMAO!
Ummm, I provided the example of where he was wrong. It was alleged by Boomer that they did indeed confirm it was the Clinton camp. They did not disclose it was Clinton, they disclosed “another candidate”.
Is country a Female? (I know we can't figure what race, but I thought country was Male)?
Are classical pronouns on a message board really that important ? If identifying as a black man makes her happy then we should be respect that right ? Just someone with similar playbook and formal training who thinks they are saving the world.
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Are classical pronouns on a message board really that important ? If identifying as a black man makes her happy then we should be tolerant right. Just someone with similar playbook and formal training who thinks they are saving the world.

Black? White? Male? Female? I don't know what country is but I do know one thing. That poster is seriously infected with TDS...the delusional, maniacal, incurable type! [laughing]

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However, there are parts of it that they have. Do you think that the FISA warrant was granted because the dossier said there was a video of Trump pissing on a Russian hooker? Besides that, Comey says himself that they would have explained that to the judge, and, if memory serves, the released portions of the application verify that.

Moronicly wrong

And there you go again. You run here with things from people like Solomon who have a long and documented history of reporting things that aren't true and as soon as there is a piece from a respected news source

You need more?

You know who does attack the credibility of the dossier a lot? RT. Hmm.........

LOLOL! This is gold Jerry!

Ya'll can pick apart the rest. Page 222
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You've moved the goalposts so many times in the past year it is hard to keep up. Your first argument was that the judge didn't know the Steele Dossier had been paid for in part by the Clinton Campaign. The application that was released clearly showed that it had been made explicitly clear. As for verification, Comey stated that it was also likely explained and he was being very careful to not give any information he didn't know personally to be true.

You should also remember that this FISA was renewed several times, all by republican appointed judges.

Sussman and Horowitz say hi.
How's that L?
Is there anything you can point to to say we’re better off now than we were under Trump? I was just on an Exec call and for the first time in my career they were openly mocking the administration.
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