Comey’s FBI fumbled the Clinton email case by trying to protect Hillary

No! Hillary? That paragon of pulchritude? That crusader of consciousness? That vanguard of veracity? She'd never lie to us! It's all part of the "vast Right wing conspiracy" that was designed to smear her and her monogomous Husband don't you know?

All of those Female accusers were just a bunch of pay-for-hire bimbos. Hillary doesn't "lie" she embellishes the Truth!


Those e-mails weren't "classified"....they belonged to me and I didn't need to classify my own e-mails.

Chelsea's wedding plans had no national security implications. What's all the fuss about?

The server? Oh, that was a gift from Barack to make up for all the nasty things he said about me during the '08 campaign that I let him win to keep the Blacks happy.
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Comey has claimed there was no "intent" on her part mishandling those classifed e-mails. So I'm wondering what he thinks is the reason she went to such lengths to destroy the subpoenaed e-mails? Was she just a neat freak and couldn't stand handing over a server full of junk, so she had to wipe it clean?

Give me a break