CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about’

What's absolutely amazing about that story is not what it says. It's what it doesn't say!

We're to believe a room of top flight CEOs apparently were all unimpressed by Trump's lack of focus or specifics on policy, yet not one of them is named or speaks on the record!

Not one.

Instead we're asked to believe the "interpretations" of the CNBC reporter who doesn't quote anyone with specifics, yet offers his own quotes on how dull, lethargic, and uninspiring Trump appeared to practically everyone who was in attendance! Again, not one of them quoted on the record though. How convenient?

However that isn't even the most amazing part of this fake news nonsense. The most amazing part is the gall CNBC has to report on Trump's loss of mental acuity, when the current occupant of the WH just returned from an overseas trip and subsequent domestic fundraiser where he literally had to be guided off the stage after completely losing awareness of what Hell was going on or where exactly in the Hell he was?

Not a word from the media shills at CNBC or anywhere else in the sycophantic press about any of that charade. Not a word.

The media and the OP are desperate, dejected, delusional and defeated. The OP become the board's running joke with his maniacal obsession over Trump, suggesting he's losing his mind while the guy and the media he supports have already completely lost theirs. 🙄
Trump is a cockroach. He eats fast food and washes it down with gallons of diet coke. Yet the guy will never die. He signed a deal with the devil awhile ago. I don't believe he's lost anything. Although, he's seemed crazy for years so its kind of hard to tell. But he's nowhere near as bad as Biden is at this point. Its silly to say otherwise.
Trump is a cockroach. He eats fast food and washes it down with gallons of diet coke. Yet the guy will never die. He signed a deal with the devil awhile ago. I don't believe he's lost anything. Although, he's seemed crazy for years so its kind of hard to tell. But he's nowhere near as bad as Biden is at this point. Its silly to say otherwise.
They’re trying to gaslight us and that’s the thing that pisses me off the most. I have eyes, I can see, we all can. Trying to compare Trump’s decline to Biden’s is comical, like, they shouldn’t even try. But trying to fight the obvious to all of us reality with this nonsense shows more about how they view the American public than it does even about the candidates. These people hate us and think we’re all stupid.
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Each side can deep-fake videos, take things out of context, spin, etc.

For folks with an open mind or who are undecided, the upcoming debate will provide an opportunity to assess the accuracy of the characterizations of our presidential candidates as Zombie Joe or Deranged Don (doesn't look like Brain-Worm Bob will be on stage).
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Trump is a cockroach. He eats fast food and washes it down with gallons of diet coke. Yet the guy will never die. He signed a deal with the devil awhile ago. I don't believe he's lost anything. Although, he's seemed crazy for years so its kind of hard to tell. But he's nowhere near as bad as Biden is at this point. Its silly to say otherwise.
While I agree with the last sentence of this post, I'd imagine you'd find it difficult if not impossible to name the "craziest" thing Trump's said or done that made it hard for you to know if he was indeed crazy?
Each side can deep-fake videos, take things out of context, spin, etc.

For folks with an open mind or who are undecided, the upcoming debate will provide an opportunity to assess the accuracy of the characterizations of our presidential candidates as Zombie Joe or Deranged Don (doesn't look like Brain-Worm Bob will be on stage).

If someone needs the upcoming debate after the last four years with Biden to decide. Then they are morons or probably should be in an Mental Health Facility.
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What's absolutely amazing about that story is not what it says. It's what it doesn't say!

We're to believe a room of top flight CEOs apparently were all unimpressed by Trump's lack of focus or specifics on policy, yet not one of them is named or speaks on the record!

Not one.

Instead we're asked to believe the "interpretations" of the CNBC reporter who doesn't quote anyone with specifics, yet offers his own quotes on how dull, lethargic, and uninspiring Trump appeared to practically everyone who was in attendance! Again, not one of them quoted on the record though. How convenient?

However that isn't even the most amazing part of this fake news nonsense. The most amazing part is the gall CNBC has to report on Trump's loss of mental acuity, when the current occupant of the WH just returned from an overseas trip and subsequent domestic fundraiser where he literally had to be guided off the stage after completely losing awareness of what Hell was going on or where exactly in the Hell he was?

Not a word from the media shills at CNBC or anywhere else in the sycophantic press about any of that charade. Not a word.

The media and the OP are desperate, dejected, delusional and defeated. The OP become the board's running joke with his maniacal obsession over Trump, suggesting he's losing his mind while the guy and the media he supports have already completely lost theirs. 🙄
Lmao ...Democrats love them some unnamed sources and Adam Schiff..
Those people beg for government to make them look goodness if it wasn't for government jobs and foodstamps they'd starve plum to death .
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While I agree with the last sentence of this post, I'd imagine you'd find it difficult if not impossible to name the "craziest" thing Trump's said or done that made it hard for you to know if he was indeed crazy?
If someone needs the upcoming debate after the last four years with Biden to decide. Then they are morons or probably should be in an Mental Health Facility.
Leftists "project" reality that doesn't exist (ie: Trump's a racist) and reject existing reality (ie: Biden's dimentia)

They also accuse others of what they do or who they are. (ie: Biden’s the senile racist, not Trump)

All one has to do is look at and listen to both of them and compare.

Reality check.
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Of standard refrain for a dumb question. Dumb questions get dumb answers.
What's "dumb" is calling someone "crazy" and being unable to articulate exactly why that's so?

Give you a quick example:

@NYC_Eer says "dumb" things. Crazy huh?

Q: Really? Why?

Ans: LOL

*(or you can just read his posts for the same result) 😏
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Dumb questions get dumb answers.
Actually I thought that question in # 11 was perfectly set up for you! Amazing for as "crazy" as you suggest Trump is, you can't think of the "craziest" thing he's ever said or done that demonstrably proves your point?

How "dumb" or "crazy" is that? :rolleyes:

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Actually I thought that question in # 11 was perfectly set up for you! Amazing for as "crazy" as you suggest Trump is, you can't think of the "craziest" thing he's ever said or done that demonstrably proves your point?

How "dumb" or "crazy" is that? :rolleyes:

Cant articulate his worst policy and tell us why it's bad .... talk about crazy
Cant articulate his worst policy and tell us why it's bad .... talk about crazy
Leftists always "project" shortcomings they see in others but never can back up. That doesn't matter to them long as they say it, it's as good as reality to them.


"Trump's a racist".

Ask one of 'em to "name one of his most racist policies"?

Ans: silence

Another example from NYC_Eer:

@NYC_Eer said : "Trump's crazy"

So then he's asked: "name one of the craziest things he's ever said or done"?

Ans: LOL

Trump is a cockroach. He eats fast food and washes it down with gallons of diet coke. Yet the guy will never die. He signed a deal with the devil awhile ago. I don't believe he's lost anything. Although, he's seemed crazy for years so its kind of hard to tell. But he's nowhere near as bad as Biden is at this point. Its silly to say otherwise.
I must agree. You lefties do have TDS to the N-th degree...
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Unlikely to happen but if Trump can stay calm, cool and collected in that first debate he's going to make a LOT of headway towards winning the election. They'll have Joe so juiced up he'll probably come off as the crazy one if Trump could somehow keep an even keel.
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Unlikely to happen but if Trump can stay calm, cool and collected in that first debate he's going to make a LOT of headway towards winning the election. They'll have Joe so juiced up he'll probably come off as the crazy one if Trump could somehow keep an even keel.
External factors, such as a sudden change in routine, can trigger a sudden worsening of dementia symptoms.

Trump will need to keep his calm and not come off as an individual attacking an elderly ill person.