Can someone explain how the border issue is Trump’s fault?


Gold Member
Feb 2, 2008
I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.
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I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.

Their disgusting silence over this debacle is tacit admission of their lack of defense for the way Biden has bungled this entire scenario. They won't debase themselves to defend this indefensible situation, particularly the way they all railed against Trump's handling of the same issue not more than two years ago. Compare and contrast the way the media reported that non story, to the way they refuse to even mention this mega crisis and your answer lies in the silence they all have adopted for cover as opposed to admitting to their policy failure and Biden's incompetence.

Leftists are some of the THE most two faced, gutless people alive. You'd be better off watching paint dry rather than waiting for a reasonable, factual, or God forbid honest answer from any one of them defending this.
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If they say it enough those on the left will believe it.

If that dude Rachel Maddow says it on her show you know it's gospel to them
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I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.
It's not. It's Congress's fault and has been for years. You'd think one of the parties would learn that neither extreme sets well with a majority of Americans.
It's not. It's Congress's fault and has been for years. You'd think one of the parties would learn that neither extreme sets well with a majority of Americans.

Look at this congenital liar chiming in now with his "everybody does it defense" [eyeroll]

I have a good mind to go and find his congenitally lying posts blaming Trump for the "kids in cages" media fed scam two years ago or his bitching about the wall insisting it won't ever work, or his general overall whinny squealing over how Trump was handling an influx of illegals by rounding them up as soon as they got here and deporting them!

But why bother? Everyone on this board knows he was lying about Trump then just as he's lying now that Congress suddenly created this fiasco we're not watching because the media is also ignoring it.

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I got some interesting perspective this week. We have a member of our staff who immigrated to the USA ten years ago when she was 17. She was explaining the process to me. Her parents applied for immigration BEFORE she was even born and it took them seventeen years to finally get approval. She said they had to go through interviews, medical exams, paperwork etc. Just a very long, arduous process. So how does she feel about what she sees at the border and Biden's plans? Pissed off is a mild term. She has no sympathy for those trying to get into the country at the southern border. Her attitude is come in the legal way like I did.
I got some interesting perspective this week. We have a member of our staff who immigrated to the USA ten years ago when she was 17. She was explaining the process to me. Her parents applied for immigration BEFORE she was even born and it took them seventeen years to finally get approval. She said they had to go through interviews, medical exams, paperwork etc. Just a very long, arduous process. So how does she feel about what she sees at the border and Biden's plans? Pissed off is a mild term. She has no sympathy for those trying to get into the country at the southern border. Her attitude is come in the legal way like I did.
Biden would flunk any medical exam
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Normally I would agree with this statement. But this particular crisis is entirely on Biden.
This problem at this time is on Biden, Trump was getting things done without the help of Congress.
The sad fact of the matter is politicians are using this as a bargaining chip during campaigns, plain & simple. The simple fix is in force the laws that are on the books, people from other countries should obey our laws & of they are breaking our laws they shouldn't get rewarded. The reason the immigration laws make it hard to get in is to protect the American people from freeloaders & criminals, we as a country have plenty of our own trashy bastards we dont need others
These non-tested Covid spreaders waiting to be assigned a cage are all on Biden and Harris....those two are a fukin joke.

These non-tested Covid spreaders waiting to be assigned a cage are all on Biden and Harris....those two are a fukin joke.


The media blackout on photos such as the one you have posted here should be a reminder or at least an indictment on how irresponsible, incompetent, and corruptly biased most of those folks in the establishment main news media are. I don't trust a thing they report, and even less of what they don't report.

They have zero credibility, and that perception should be SOP with them when it comes to most consumers of news & general information.

Trump supporters see this sad photo and mourn this entirely avoidable human misery. Leftists and cheating Biden sycophants see this photo and lick their chops over these brand new Democrat voters. They can't wait to sign 'em up for driver's licenses, free medicare, free education, food stamps, AFDC & section 8 subsidized housing....all paid for by evil, rich, bigoted, white, homophobic, heterosexual, racist, Christian males.

Permanent wards of the State, totally dependent on Democrat handouts.

Nirvana to Socialist Leftists.
Gonna use those people as pawns in the election process, count them on the census to get more representation in extremely blue states. Move them to purple states & if only 1/2 vote illegally & odds are it will be Democrat then it most likely would swing said state back to blue ....just dirty little pawns to the Democrats, nothing more
Gonna use those people as pawns in the election process, count them on the census to get more representation in extremely blue states. Move them to purple states & if only 1/2 vote illegally & odds are it will be Democrat then it most likely would swing said state back to blue ....just dirty little pawns to the Democrats, nothing more
They will vote whether they realize it or not.
I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.
Easier to blame Trump, than take responsibility. MSM is/will cover for Biden. I have no answer and Congress has no intention of doing anything-duh.
I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.
I don’t see how this is Trumps mess. This is firmly in Biden’s lap.
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It's not. It's Congress's fault and has been for years. You'd think one of the parties would learn that neither extreme sets well with a majority of Americans.

I know right! I mean.. building a wall to slow them down, push the illegals to checkpoints, identifying who is coming across your border, and controlling the process legally is just so insane!
I know right! I mean.. building a wall to slow them down, push the illegals to checkpoints, identifying who is coming across your border, and controlling the process legally is just so insane!
The wall is the ONLY ANSWER. WHY HAS NO ONE ELSE THOUGHT OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.
Evidently Trump having been born is enough to sicked the libs...
I see the liberal shills trying to position this, as well as the out of touch leadership of the Dem party. How exactly is Trump at fault for the current border issues?

And the only solution is amnesty? I’m really struggling to understand this.
Trump policies were able to slow the influx of undocumented "persons" and now with the border no longer being guarded the numbers increase daily, therefore it must be Trump's fault...
Trump policies were able to slow the influx of undocumented "persons" and now with the border no longer being guarded the numbers increase daily, therefore it must be Trump's fault...

Trump tried to fix the problem by stopping the mass inflow of illegals which leftists do not think is possible. They're blaming him now for the problem because he wouldn't let everyone in.

That's how Biden and the left think you solve the problem by letting everyone in and letting them become citizens who vote Democrat of course.