Bo Pelini to WVU?

We need to hire a conservative AD, preferably a maga conservative to fix the crap.

Then hire Hugh Freeze. The man who beat Alabama twice and took a bottom dweller in the SEC to back to back 9-3 seasons, a Sugar Bowl win against Okie st and a top 10 final ranking. The dude has won everywhere he has coached.

Yup - this pussified chest thumping about winning the “right way” has to stop. Give me the win at all costs guy, I’m tired of turning the other cheek for the Baylors of the world who are winning conference titles and hanging national championship banners in their basketball gym.
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Hearing Pelini's name as possible HC, if WVU can afford to buy out Brown. WVU is focused on experienced head coaches at the P5 level.

Pelini has that experience and is willing to live in Morgantown--which is a tough sell for many established coaches.

Also, hearing these names:

1) Jim McElwain
2) Steve Addazio
3) Randy Edsall
4) Todd Graham (wants to return to the East Coast)
3) Randy Edsall (BARF)

4) Todd Graham (DOUBLE BARF) - I'll become a Pitt fan, I swear.
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BYU was not a hoax, you lying racists are pretending it was.

The incident happened, observed by more than one person, BYU officially apologized for it Publicly, a real officer was placed next to and escorted the Duke team. A real person has been expelled from attending BYU events, Yet you Nazis want to try to twist reality and pretend it wasn’t real of course- to once again defend a racist act and the racists who committed those acts with right wing propaganda.
Try reading, you ignoramus:

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BYU said they looked at camera footage and couldn’t hear slurs. What security camera can single out individuals words or individuals in a crowded arena? What security camera can pick up someone whispering in a players ear? That’s made up alternate reality fake news right wing propaganda as usual. BYU made PUBLIC apologies about what happened, they posted police to protect at the time just after it happened and then racists rushed in to pretend another racist incident didn’t happen.

Racists pretending every racist incident didn’t happen is absurd.
Dickheads calling everyone racist without proof are cowards.
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Was heard by multiple players who reported it to the coaches and others--who PLACED police with them. That doesn't happen if there was no threat as you pretend.

Of course BYU wants it to go away. They've excused away such behavior for years. That's why they lifted the ban, that's why they pretend security footage in a loud arena didn't pick up a person or persons threatening someone including someone speaking in the ear of the target.

Lets see (and hear) the so called security footage, but we never will will we?

No doubt this will occur again.
Complete lie.
You right wing Nazis have tried to excuse away EVERY single racist act ever reported including police murdering people of color in cold blood. Its what you do. Ignore actual occurrences and look for anything to twist and turn the truth.

Notice no one at BYU has accused the target of this with LYING. Which is what you are trying to project that she did (and for what possible reason?) Why would BYU NOT come out and say she lied, if in fact it was made up? What BYU has done is what they've always done--sweep it under the rug.

Where are the interviews with players? Crowd who was there? Coaches? Non existent of course. Where are the supposed security tapes showing "nothing" happening? An independent source hasn't reviewed any of it.
Idiots like you cause things like this:

Hearing Pelini's name as possible HC, if WVU can afford to buy out Brown. WVU is focused on experienced head coaches at the P5 level.

Pelini has that experience and is willing to live in Morgantown--which is a tough sell for many established coaches.

Also, hearing these names:

1) Jim McElwain
2) Steve Addazio
3) Randy Edsall
4) Todd Graham (wants to return to the East Coast)
Largely a list of losers. WOW. Who would even bd brzve enough to compile z list containing Edsall and Graham. Addazio dlso seems well below borderline. Whst is history on McElwain? Pros?
Better off sticking with whom we have already.
To those so ‘gung-ho’ to boot NB.
Doubtful we attract a seasoned, successful HC.
Great chance that a VERY LATGE PORTION of our young talent pool hits the portal.
Doubt we hang on to a substantial % of those currently committed for next year
New coach may have difficulty attracting top rung assistants for a variety of reasons—chief among them may be our tendency/reputation (?) as an unreasonable/ difficult to please band of self impressed/vocal “football experts” that an undesirable atmosphere in which to work.
WVU may not be an overly attractive destination (especially for one who might, otherwise, be looking for a long term relationship because of the significant uncertainty regarding the future of WVU athletics ( football & basketball in particular) because of conference affiliation.
Recruiting by a new staff generally suffers because if a number of factors.

There may bd several more reasons that ‘booting’ NB would do little but make those at the forefront of the “head hunting” feel they won- woopee!!!
There are so many reasons for retaining NB. We are NOT a bad team, and he is NOT the horrible leader that some are trying to portray him as.
We need to cool our jets and shut down the negativism. Our football program IS M U C H better than when NB arrived and improved over his teams of the past few years.
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BYU was not a hoax, you lying racists are pretending it was.

The incident happened, observed by more than one person, BYU officially apologized for it Publicly, a real officer was placed next to and escorted the Duke team. A real person has been expelled from attending BYU events, Yet you Nazis want to try to twist reality and pretend it wasn’t real of course- to once again defend a racist act and the racists who committed those acts with right wing propaganda.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Not a single witness has been found to support this....even among the Duke players. That includes the cop of which you write; he was right between the Duke bench and the BYU student section--heard NOTHING.
No audio or video evidence to support this---ZERO, ZIP, NADA. BYU went into premature damage control and apologized BEFORE actually investigating. Oh, and by the way, Richardson's mother (who wasn't at the match) has political aspirations and a history of racist tweets of her own.
Bo Pelini here would be hysterical. It would essentially be getting another Huggs, but for football.

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