Bill Maher Thinks California May Turn Red Because ‘People Can’t F–ing Do Anything’


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country. Even true liberals, like Bill Maher, are seeing the light and starting to turn on leftists.

LINK: On “The Adam Carolla Show” Tuesday, Maher contributed his opinion on the future of the state.

Around 33 minutes into the show, host Adam Carolla broached Maher’s “solar panel saga,” which Maher chronicled on his HBO show in 2021. Maher and Carolla went on to discuss rules and policies that restrict California natives, as well as issues that demand solving.

“First of all we know there’s been an exodus from this state,” Maher began. “That’s partly because of high taxes and it’s partly because fire season is all year round. But it’s also because people can’t f—ing do anything.

“I just read that the cost of building a single unit for the homeless has now risen to $837,000,” Maher said. “I just don’t think people understand the level of graft that is built into the system, the level of corruption, and that’s what I was getting at when I made that crusade about my solar.”

The conversation returned to solar panels and the challenges with their installation.

“Can you imagine the level of corruption, but level of bureaucracy that I was ranting and raving about this on the air for over a year and they still couldn’t get it done?” Maher went on. “I have a picture of 11 people at my house that finally showed. Eleven people. To turn on a lightbulb, basically, I had to build a shed to house the thing. I had to build its own home. Which could probably house the homeless, people could probably live in that shed.

“All the regulations that, I mean, I don’t know if it’s Orwellian, or Kafka-esque, or both of them, but it’s just strange. Very strange,” he continued. “The hoops you had to jump through to do something that the state was advising you to do. Solar power was something – I thought I was being a good citizen trying to hook up.”

When Carolla described his own experience attempting and then abandoning the project after realizing how complicated state and county regulations can get, Maher picked up on Carolla’s decision to “f— it.”

“‘**** it’ is what so many people say about so many things out here [in California]. Eventually what they are going to say is ‘then f— it to the Democratic party’,” he said. “This is an achilles heel to this party that they have to come to terms with. I mean, they couldn’t build a railroad, they tried, from L.A. to San Francisco. Same thing with the housing- the homeless thing.

“There are just too many people with their hand out. There are too many people who are unnecessary in this equation,” Maher continued. “This is kind of beyond politics and it will get hung on, deservedly so, the Democrats.

“It’s not like the Republicans are great on this either, but they don’t run the state right now,” Maher finished. “The Democrats do.”

You can watch the full video here.
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Leftists are destroying our country. Even true liberals, like Bill Maher, are seeing the light and starting to turn on leftists.

LINK: On “The Adam Carolla Show” Tuesday, Maher contributed his opinion on the future of the state.

Around 33 minutes into the show, host Adam Carolla broached Maher’s “solar panel saga,” which Maher chronicled on his HBO show in 2021. Maher and Carolla went on to discuss rules and policies that restrict California natives, as well as issues that demand solving.

“First of all we know there’s been an exodus from this state,” Maher began. “That’s partly because of high taxes and it’s partly because fire season is all year round. But it’s also because people can’t f—ing do anything.

“I just read that the cost of building a single unit for the homeless has now risen to $837,000,” Maher said. “I just don’t think people understand the level of graft that is built into the system, the level of corruption, and that’s what I was getting at when I made that crusade about my solar.”

The conversation returned to solar panels and the challenges with their installation.

“Can you imagine the level of corruption, but level of bureaucracy that I was ranting and raving about this on the air for over a year and they still couldn’t get it done?” Maher went on. “I have a picture of 11 people at my house that finally showed. Eleven people. To turn on a lightbulb, basically, I had to build a shed to house the thing. I had to build its own home. Which could probably house the homeless, people could probably live in that shed.

“All the regulations that, I mean, I don’t know if it’s Orwellian, or Kafka-esque, or both of them, but it’s just strange. Very strange,” he continued. “The hoops you had to jump through to do something that the state was advising you to do. Solar power was something – I thought I was being a good citizen trying to hook up.”

When Carolla described his own experience attempting and then abandoning the project after realizing how complicated state and county regulations can get, Maher picked up on Carolla’s decision to “f— it.”

“‘**** it’ is what so many people say about so many things out here [in California]. Eventually what they are going to say is ‘then f— it to the Democratic party’,” he said. “This is an achilles heel to this party that they have to come to terms with. I mean, they couldn’t build a railroad, they tried, from L.A. to San Francisco. Same thing with the housing- the homeless thing.

“There are just too many people with their hand out. There are too many people who are unnecessary in this equation,” Maher continued. “This is kind of beyond politics and it will get hung on, deservedly so, the Democrats.

“It’s not like the Republicans are great on this either, but they don’t run the state right now,” Maher finished. “The Democrats do.”

You can watch the full video here.
So what he is saying, Democrats are authoritarian and impossible to live under ? Yeah I get that .
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The best thing people can do is vote for the individual Running and not the party. That is the problem in America. Trump was the best thing to happen in decades and nobody appreciated him.

Yep. Too many look at voting as a game. They vote for their team and smile like they won something. They don't look or care what they are doing to our country, they just want their team to win. It's terrible.

I'm a registered Independent. That said, I do lean conservative, but I'm not devoted to one team or the other. Leftists have taken over the Democrat party and there are some in the Republican party. They are far from taking over the Republican party, but they're in there. At the moment, it's tough to not vote for Republcans because they are the best option, at the moment. Even Pedo-Joe has gone leftist, contrary to what he ran on. Even if he claims he's not a leftist, he has bowed to their commands and they are running the show.

But the bleaters don't watch those kind of things....They just want their team to win, country be damned.
The best thing people can do is vote for the individual Running and not the party. That is the problem in America. Trump was the best thing to happen in decades and nobody appreciated him.
Good luck with that. George Washington once said "Beware of the faith you place in political parties".

Their first job was to rig the system so only they (Ds and Rs) have a real chance of winning federal and most state elections. Mission accomplished. Now their purpose is to distract us by dividing us so they can continue running the country in the shadows. Any demands for accountability are dismissed as partisan (See Hunter's laptop and the global Biden corruption rings).

9 of our 27 Constitutional Amendments took less than a year to pass and 2 of those took 6 months or less (of course the 10 Bill of Rights were passed at once so after that it is 9 of 17 Amendments). When the people are united, change happens. Political parties can't have that because those politicians stand to lose everything. If we aren't fighting each other, we will fight against the government's misdeeds and that falls on them.
Good luck with that. George Washington once said "Beware of the faith you place in political parties".

Their first job was to rig the system so only they (Ds and Rs) have a real chance of winning federal and most state elections. Mission accomplished. Now their purpose is to distract us by dividing us so they can continue running the country in the shadows. Any demands for accountability are dismissed as partisan (See Hunter's laptop and the global Biden corruption rings).

9 of our 27 Constitutional Amendments took less than a year to pass and 2 of those took 6 months or less (of course the 10 Bill of Rights were passed at once so after that it is 9 of 17 Amendments). When the people are united, change happens. Political parties can't have that because those politicians stand to lose everything. If we aren't fighting each other, we will fight against the government's misdeeds and that falls on them.
Well stated!
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Been saying it for years. Ban political parties. If you run for office, you run under your own name and nothing else. The only thing political parties are good for is dividing the country.
They have the money. You are free to run but if you don't have support, you aren't going to win. How many independents have enough money to do it?
I saw back in 1999/2000 that LA was not going to be a city I would want to live and raise kids in. As much as I liked aspects of life out there, you could clearly see the writing on the wall.
I saw back in 1999/2000 that LA was not going to be a city I would want to live and raise kids in. As much as I liked aspects of life out there, you could clearly see the writing on the wall.
I lived out there from 98-03 and again from 07-12. Nope. There are aspects of Cali that are great, but they’re far overshadowed by literally everything else.
We have a true conservative local Republican in PA who is running for Governor as a Republican. He is highly critical of the Republican establishment in PA and gets no support from the party. He's only 30 years old. His campaign is grass roots with coffee meetings at peoples houses where he speaks and does Q and As.
I don't think he has a shot this time around but he's getting his name and ideas out there.
We have a true conservative local Republican in PA who is running for Governor as a Republican. He is highly critical of the Republican establishment in PA and gets no support from the party. He's only 30 years old. His campaign is grass roots with coffee meetings at peoples houses where he speaks and does Q and As.
I don't think he has a shot this time around but he's getting his name and ideas out there.
That’s a start. That needs to become a national movement to cleanse the political scene of radical liberals and RINO’s. It’s our only shot