It "got this far" because honest folks who honestly tried to demonstrate all of the fraud were banned, shunned, silenced, ignored, castigated, excoriated, smeared, besmirched, ridiculed, or otherwise lied about by Democrats, their media stooges, and even voters like yourself! How many of @WVU82 's posts detailing the demonstrated vote flipping, ballot miscounting, voting machine manipulation, and outright fraudulent ballot deception uncovered during this stolen election have you even bothered to watch or inform yourself of? The media of course is not reporting any of this, but does that mean it doesn't exist?Not skeert of him but of how his lies about election fraud continue to remain at the center of his movement. Biffnation still acts like it happened. This is utterly ridiculous, childish, and foolish and I can't fathom how this joke got this far.
You can't claim "there was no voter fraud" while you ignore all the evidence being presented that it was massive & pervasive.
Shut up already.