Better chill if you're planning on building a home or an addition

Planned on replacing my deck this summer, not now . Haven't checked the prices on composite yet but I'm betting it's just as high
Thanks Biden.
Thank COVID and low interest rates moron. Biden has nothing to do w/ the amount of new houses built (if so that would be a positive), renovations done on existing homes (again a positive), or supply chain disruption.

And Trump is the one that implemented the high tariffs on lumber coming from Canada btw.
Thank COVID and low interest rates moron. Biden has nothing to do w/ the amount of new houses built (if so that would be a positive), renovations done on existing homes (again a positive), or supply chain disruption.

And Trump is the one that implemented the high tariffs on lumber coming from Canada btw.
Lmao. It’s never the lefts fault. The libtard creed. Someone is mad. 😂😂
Thank COVID and low interest rates moron. Biden has nothing to do w/ the amount of new houses built (if so that would be a positive), renovations done on existing homes (again a positive), or supply chain disruption.

And Trump is the one that implemented the high tariffs on lumber coming from Canada btw.

And yet Biden has YET to reverse them or the steel tariffs.

So there went that vote.... 🙄
Thank COVID and low interest rates moron. Biden has nothing to do w/ the amount of new houses built (if so that would be a positive), renovations done on existing homes (again a positive), or supply chain disruption.

And Trump is the one that implemented the high tariffs on lumber coming from Canada btw.
Dont thank your economics professor. They let you down.
In this tread a liberal tries to act smart but gets it 100% wrong. The rising cost in wood is due to the max capacity at the mills and not the raw supply of wood. Add in disruptions in the supply chain and you have a major issue.

I added a new deck last year about this time. Lumber was just starting to creep up then...and it has not stopped. I used a upper middle grade composite and it was only slightly more expensive than wood then...I would say it might be cheaper now.
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In this tread a liberal tries to act smart but gets it 100% wrong. The rising cost in wood is due to the max capacity at the mills and not the raw supply of wood. Add in disruptions in the supply chain and you have a major issue.

I added a new deck last year about this time. Lumber was just starting to creep up then...and it has not stopped. I used a upper middle grade composite and it was only slightly more expensive than wood then...I would say it might be cheaper now.