Baylor and WVU are the only undefeated teams


May 14, 2003
in the BIG12 conference and conference play hasn't even started. Odds don't look good at this point for a Big12 representative in the playoffs. I'd say Oklahoma has no chance with 2 losses already and one of them to Central Michigan, Texas loss to unranked Cal won't help.
Every one was all hot n bothered over Texas beating Notre dame and Michigan state went in to south bend and put a whipping on the domes so that win doesn't look so great since it to them overtime at home to win it.
in the BIG12 conference and conference play hasn't even started. Odds don't look good at this point for a Big12 representative in the playoffs. I'd say Oklahoma has no chance with 2 losses already and one of them to Central Michigan, Texas loss to unranked Cal won't help.

That's the least of our worries. IMO the Big XII is wide open for the taking. The Mountaineers need 6+ conference wins anything below that is not acceptable but that's just my opinion.

Will a Big XII team make the playoff. It's to early to say for certain but it does look "not so good" at this time.

Oklahoma has no chance with 2 losses already and one of them to Central Michigan

That would be Oklahoma State that lost to Central Michigan lol. Oklahoma got smacked by Houston, soon to be the dominant player in a newly reorganized Big 12.
If we play sound football we can beat anybody on our schedule. If we play sloppy we can get beat by all of them. Maybe excluding Kansas in that.
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The only hope the big 12 has at making the playoffs is for Wvu or Baylor to go undefeated and since it is hard for any team to go undefeated than i'd say the odds are very slim. Using the Big 12 in the same sentence as the college football playoff can best be described by this guy


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