ATL....just for you

It's awful quiet.....from a "man" who sure spent a lot of time saying I didn't say something.....of which it took me all of 60 seconds to locate and post.......**crickets.....crickets....**
I just think it's more lies. To begin with, most folks who are "semi-retired" are either eligible for or are actually receiving some portion of a promised pension. Most of those have age requirements (62 or older for instance) and either are not ready to quit working all together or they would lose a portion of the payout by fully retiring.

Then, some do it to keep ties to a company or organization and continue working for income or to maintain qualifying status for their full pensions. Neither of those scenarios are the case for MWV. He hasn't specified what he actually does, however if he still works full time he's not "semi-retired", he's still considered fully employed. At his young age with young kids, he's not eligible for any retirement pensions (not fully) unless he was offered some sort of severance package from his employer and no longer can work for them.

He simply hasn't honestly said what is the nature of his "early retirement" or "semi-retirement" status plus its so hard to get the Truth out of him I doubt even he can truthfully explain how he is considered "semi-retired" or on what basis he's drawing a fully funded pension before most folks are eligible to do so?

Q: So what is the difference between semi-retired or part time?
A: Working part-time is just that--you are working p/t perhaps until a full time job becomes available or because you want to keep busy.

Q: what is semi-retired?
A:This usually refers to someone who has cut back his or her work from full-time to part-time, usually less than twenty hours per week. This doesn’t refer to those whose hours have been cut, but to those with the discretion to take on less work, or less demanding work, without severing all ties to the workplace.

A: we are not yet old enough to receive the state pension so officially are classed as part of the “working population” for statistical purposes. We receive no state aid. We have been “semi-retired” for over 5 years.

When my private pension kicks in (3 years to go!), then we may decide to totally leave the work force.

MountaineerWV is too young to qualify for a pension, so he is likely a part time worker receiving some sort of severance package from an employer who eliminated his job. The problem is he lies so much, you'll never get the Truth from him so why even bother?

He might be semi-retired atl, but his little pee wee remains fully flaccid
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Simple question: did you claim that I never said "semi-retired"? (Answer: yes)

Did I show you that I did? (Answer: Yes)

Are you still butthurt about it? (Answer: Absolutely YES)
So a person cannot "retire" (or semi-retire) at a young age and draw from their own retirement package they had built up? And how do you know that I'm "too young"? Why can't older men have young children?

You are really losing it over the fact that I showed you to be wrong.....again.......[roll]
So a person cannot "retire" (or semi-retire) at a young age and draw from their own retirement package they had built up? And how do you know that I'm "too young"? Why can't older men have young children?

You are really losing it over the fact that I showed you to be wrong.....again.......[roll]

Well the problem is you lyin' pos anyone can say anything on here or claim anything. Few ever back up their claims. Since you've never actually explained how you qualified for an "early pension" or exactly in what capacity you work to still be considered part of the work force while drawing a full retirement compensatiom package, forgive me if I doubt your sincerity claiming "semi-retired" status.

The fact remains you've never mentioned to me you were "semi retired" (whatever that means) you've never even mentioned what you are semi-retired from?

Most fully funded pension plans or annuities have age limits or other restrictions that prevent folks from utilizing those funds prior to their designated eligibilty. You lie so much or simply don't reveal the exact circumstances behind your "early retirement" boasting, I choose to not believe a word of it no matter whether you've previously claimed "semi-retirement" status in the past or not! When you first mentioned it to me, you said you were "retired". Period.

You lie. So why would you all of a sudden tell the Truth about that lie? As long as you refuse to discuss the particulars in general terms of how you qualify for a full retirement package with elementary school age kids who you claim to be their biological Father, I choose to select this as just another among your plethora of lies told to this board for as long as I've been reading your lying posts.
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Well the problem is you lyin' pos anyone can say anything on here or claim anything. Few ever back up their claims. Since you've never actually explained how you qualified for an "early pension" or exactly in what capacity you work to still be considered part of the work force while drawing a full retirement compensatiom package, forgive me if I doubt your sincerity claiming "semi-retired" status.

The fact remains you've never mentioned to me you were "semi retired" (whatever that means) you've never even mentioned what you are semi-retired from?

Most fully funded pension plans or annuities have age limits or other restrictions that prevent folks from utilizing those funds prior to their designated eligibilty. You lie so much or simply don't reveal the exact circumstances behind your "early retirement" boasting, I choose to not believe a word of it no matter whether you've previously claimed "semi-retirement" status in the past or not! When you first mentioned it to me, you said you were "retired". Period.

You lie. So why would you all of a sudden tell the Truth about that lie? As long as you refuse to discuss the particulars in general terms of how you qualify for a full retirement package with elememtar school age kids who you claim to be their biological Father, I choose to select this as just another among your plethora of lies told to this board for as long as I've been reading your lying posts.
he's in his lib socialist dna....he can't help it....and probably doesn't want to
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So are changing your claims. First you claimed that I NEVER said "semi-retired". Then you posted all these posts where I stated "retired" and claimed I was a liar. Then I post where I did indeed say "semi-retired". Moving those goal posts.
Your statement....

I did that.......

Name your retirement pension plan and briefly outline its qualifying parameters for pensioners to begin drawing full retirement compensation packages? You don't have to reveal any private information, most of those plans can be accessed on the web which decribe the qualifying criteria to receive fully vested annual compensation.

Name yours, or link it.

Do you work full time? In excess of 32 hours per week in the job you currently draw a salary from? If you do, you are NOT semi-retried.

You either won't answer any of these questions or you will simply continue lying about your "semi-retried" status without backing up a word of it.

Piss off little lyin' pee wee.
Name your retirement pension plan and briefly outline its qualifying parameters for pensioners to begin drawing full retirement compensation packages? You don't have to reveal any private information, most of those plans can be accessed on the web which decribe the qualifying criteria to receive fully vested annual compensation.

Name yours, or link it.

Do you work full time? In excess of 32 hours per week in the job you currently draw a salary from? If you do, you are NOT semi-retried.

You either won't answer any of these questions or you will simply continue lying about your "semi-retried" status without backing up a word of it.

Piss off little lyin' pee wee.


Someone's cranky........and I won't do anything of the sort. Now go count the number of alternators you have on the shelf....pronto!
You can count on him reliably lying each time he posts Snow Sled Baby. It's more certain than Trump's upcoming re-election.

Like how you lied about:

1. Selling cars
2. Banning yourself
3. Saying I never said "semi-retired"

Like how you lied about:

1. Selling cars
2. Banning yourself
3. Saying I never said "semi-retired"


The fact is you can't prove what I sell because you don't even know where I work.

I lost a bet to self ban with a lying poster such as yourself who also lied about self banning after losing another bet. We're even.

You can't even give rudimentary details on how you managed to "retire" then go into "semi-retirement" while still raising school age kids who are being dumbed down as we speak in sub standard government run classrooms.

Keep lying, you get better at it the more you do.
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Someone's cranky........and I won't do anything of the sort. Now go count the number of alternators you have on the shelf....pronto!

Translation: I can't honestly prove what I'm claiming so I'll just keep lying about it and prove to you I can say anything without backing it up.
The fact is you can't prove what I sell because you don't even know where I work.

I lost a bet to self ban with a lying poster such as yourself who also lied about self banning after losing another bet. We're even.

You can't even give rudimentary details on how you managed to "retire" then go into "semi-retirement" while still raising school age kids who are being dumbed down as we speak in sub standard government run classrooms.

Keep lying, you get better at it the more you do.

Why have you changed the subject to my retirement? (oops....semi-retirement)

You still have not admitted that you were WRONG.....that I had indeed said "semi-retirement" in previous post.......not like you claimed......
Translation: It's none of your business.......[winking]

If it's no one's business you can't back up, why did YOU even bring it up?

Ans: Because atl, I'm a little piss ant pee wee liar who has to tell unsupportable lies to make myself appear larger than my little pee wee actually is.
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Why have you changed the subject to my retirement? (oops....semi-retirement)

You still have not admitted that you were WRONG.....that I had indeed said "semi-retirement" in previous post.......not like you claimed......

I said you never told me you were "semi retired" and when I posted back what your little lyin pee wee ass said two summers ago when you first bragged about not having to work a worthless Government job because you were so well off you told me you"retired"... you didn't say anything about being "semi-retired" you little lyin' pee wee. Not to me. Not then. Not ever!

I posted back exactly what you said when you said it, then you went fishing for something else you said about "semi retirement" two years later to someone else just to cover that lie you told to me.

Go play some more with your little pee wee, it's probably wilted back down without any more artificial stimulation.
Why have you changed the subject to my retirement? (oops....semi-retirement)

You still have not admitted that you were WRONG.....that I had indeed said "semi-retirement" in previous post.......not like you claimed......

Yeah...just like you suddenly claimed to have Black family members when I busted your racist ass for not ever even inviting any Black people into your home for dinner.

"Do my Black family members count?" You asked. Proving without that lie, you are indeed a lying racist little pee wee.
I said you never told me you were "semi retired" and when I posted back what your little lyin pee wee ass said two summers ago when you first bragged about not having to work a worthless Government job because you were so well off you told me you"retired"... you didn't say anything about being "semi-retired" you little lyin' pee wee. Not to me. Not then. Not ever!

I posted back exactly what you said when you said it, then you went fishing for something else you said about "semi retirement" two years later to someone else just to cover that lie you told to me.

Go play some more with your little pee wee, it's probably wilted back down without any more artificial stimulation.

I sucks that you were proven you are trying to add semantics to try to change the perimeters of the argument......after I showed you where I said it.......
Yeah...just like you suddenly claimed to have Black family members when I busted your racist ass for not ever even inviting any Black people into your home for dinner.

"Do my Black family members count?" You asked. Proving without that lie, you are indeed a lying racist little pee wee.

Oh man accuses white man of being racist!!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!

I'll send this message to my black relatives.......they need a good laugh.
Oh man accuses white man of being racist!!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!

I'll send this message to my black relatives.......they need a good laugh.

Yeah they're laughing at your little pee wee. Most Black Dudes even limp hang better than that little hangnail.
Yeah they're laughing at your little pee wee. Most Black Dudes even limp hang better than that little hangnail.

Not sure about your family, but we don't go around showing our "pee wees" to each other.......Jeez....sicko incest filled pedophile.
I sucks that you were proven you are trying to add semantics to try to change the perimeters of the argument......after I showed you where I said it.......

You didn't say you were semi retired to me pee wee. You bragged you didn't have to work. "Retired" was your exact wording. You told Dave two years later you were "semi-retired" trying to catch your self in your own lie.
You didn't say you were semi retired to me pee wee. You bragged you didn't have to work. "Retired" was your exact wording. You told Dave two years later you were "semi-retired" trying to catch your self in your own lie.

Two years later? It was in 2018........and did it ever occur to you that in 2017 I was "retired" and in 2018 I became "semi-retired"?

And your statement was that I NEVER SAID semi-retired....ever....which I showed you I did.
Two years later? It was in 2018........and did it ever occur to you that in 2017 I was "retired" and in 2018 I became "semi-retired"?

And your statement was that I NEVER SAID semi-retired....ever....which I showed you I did.

Can you prove you are a little lyin' pee wee? I can.
Not sure about your family, but we don't go around showing our "pee wees" to each other.......Jeez....sicko incest filled pedophile.

I'd be embarrased to show that little thing off too. Why do you expose yourself to this board every day? Put that little pee wee away before you lose it again.
Two years later? It was in 2018........and did it ever occur to you that in 2017 I was "retired" and in 2018 I became "semi-retired"?

And your statement was that I NEVER SAID semi-retired....ever....which I showed you I did.

Not to me. You pulled that from your little pee wee when I blasted you for not spending your "retirement" on better Private education for your little pee wees (your kids).
Not sure about your family, but we don't go around showing our "pee wees" to each other.......Jeez....sicko incest filled pedophile.

You have never ever had someone Black sleep in your home. Prior to roughly six months ago, you never even mentioned you knew anyone Black much less had Black relatives. Some people when they lie, they tell a tiny bit of truth along with it just to make the lie seem credible

But you're such a bold and bald faced liar, when you spin your pee wee yarns you throw in everything but the kitchen sink trying to impress, thereby making your entire presentation fake, fraudulent, and entirely unbelievable.

You're a better liar than ya are a little piss ant pee wee! Gotta work on that.
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Believe what you want.....I know that you are butthurt over the fact that I proved you's understandable.....please, continue.......:popcorn:
Believe what you want.....I know that you are butthurt over the fact that I proved you's understandable.....please, continue.......:popcorn:

You have no Black family members, you are not retired, you do not know anything about me except I kick your narrow little pee wee behind all over this board, and even you know you're a punk ass little pee wee because you lie about everything trying to prove to the board you are NOT a little lyin' piss ant pee wee.
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