ASU has apologized for the AD remark.


Gold Member
Mar 16, 2014
I'm purposely putting this post in this free forum in case some ASU folks come to see if we have any thoughts. It's ridiculous that the ASU AD had to apologize for what was clearly a lighthearted remark about not wanting to long distances and/or endure cold weather. And even if he did mean it with malice, who cares? I'm reminded of that Seinfreld episode where George was upset when Jerry's girlfriend didn't like him. George wanted to be liked by everyone and it was funny because it was so absurd. What the hell do I care what the ASU AD thinks about WV? So long as he does his job and treats WVU fairly in the process, nothing else matters. It's childish to make a big deal out of this, which the media did, naturally, because the media is childish. Here's the tweet apologizing.

How damn ridiculous. It's no wonder our country is in such a mess when the people in power waste their time on this kind of nonsense. It's emblematic of our shallow culture for people and institutions to be forced to apologize for meaningless remarks. Oh, and they made a donation to a food bank too. The cost of a college education has increased so much that it costs more for one year of college now than it did for an entire four year education 50 years ago (and that is after adjusting for inflation BTW). THAT is what ASU, and WVU too, and all the other colleges ought to be apologizing for, and doing something about. The total amount they've screwed people over the years is probably equivalent to about a million food bank donations. But as is so often the case in our society, the important, substantive things get ignored and instead we focus on the meaningless.

I did learn something in all this though, namely that ASU is run by shallow people just like WVU, and probably most other colleges these days too.

And I learned one more thing. That Seinfeld clip stands up pretty well.

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I never took it as malice, but ignorance about WVU's travel burden over the last decade, which just got a lot worse by adding teams even further away than ever. Rubbed me and a lot of others the wrong way. Looking forward to playing the teams and welcoming the fans, just stop the whining about travel.
York must have put a foot in his ass. He doesn't have to worry about coming to Morgantown cause ASU will fire him before then. ASU fans do not like him nor do they like their president.

Hmmm, sounds familiar.
Intelligent people who feel that way would simply put me on ignore. I'm sorry you're not one of them.
I dont put people on ignore....words on a message board dont hurt me like you snowflake....your drivel makes my eyes hurt, but my feelings dont get hurt.
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How dare someone say they don't want to travel to Morgantown and will send an underling. This is so insipid and so much about nothing it's embarrassing, pointless, and annoying.
I filed his comments in the idgaf bucket. Truly, it is better for WV and it’s residents if outsiders don’t travel to the state and find out just how special it is.

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