Argentina's new presidential candidate is making some waves

South America embraced radical socialism. They have written their own tomb stones.
South America embraced radical socialism. They have written their own tomb stones.
thats what makes this so interesting as it seems the pendulum is starting to swing the other direction
and in El Salvador their bonds are taking off
IMO, it seems to me the global south is going to catch up slightly here as they are going to be able to transition to the new economic systems faster. It seems apparent the unipolar world is separating and these countries dont want to be on side USA or China/Russia
Here is an interview Tucker Carlson did with him.

English voice over version.

Not sure calling him far right is fair. He sounds like a Libertarian.

Far-right outsider Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidency​

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Javier Milei: The Argentine presidential candidate wants to abolish the country's central bank and move to the U.S. dollar​

The protest/riots are being planned as I hit post reply.

Imagine how the crazies will take to the streets next year after Trump is re-elected?
This is GREAT!!! He definitely is a libertarian.
Now if only we could get an anarcho-capitalist elected here! Am I right? lol

I know that wont happen, but it would at least be night to have someone talking about some of these things on a debate stage.

Here he is btw
This is GREAT!!! He definitely is a libertarian.
Now if only we could get an anarcho-capitalist elected here! Am I right? lol

I know that wont happen, but it would at least be night to have someone talking about some of these things on a debate stage.

Here he is btw

Getting one elected here would cause a civil war. Get a grip. This isn't the 1800's in the wild west anymore. It's good he doesn't like Communist but let's see how he actually leads first before you all get excited. Less Government controls is a good thing. If he goes too far too fast. They will kill him.
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That seems like it could happen either no matter who is elected at this point.
Like I said just let them on the debate stage first. Our country isn't ready to vote for someone like that yet, but more people should hear the view point and educate themselves. We already have one guy running that says he would eliminate the IRS and tons of federal institutions. Why do you think people like Vivek? Because he is saying the things libertarians been saying for years/decades.
Its getting closer people are getting more and more fed up with governments lying and abuse.
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That seems like it could happen either no matter who is elected at this point.
Like I said just let them on the debate stage first. Our country isn't ready to vote for someone like that yet, but more people should hear the view point and educate themselves. We already have one guy running that says he would eliminate the IRS and tons of federal institutions. Why do you think people like Vivek? Because he is saying the things libertarians been saying for years/decades.
Its getting closer people are getting more and more fed up with governments lying and abuse.

That's what happens when a country moves too far left and tries to do business with the CCP. You can't compete with a country in trade that has slave labor and cheap labor. Crony Capitalism starts to kill Capitalism for everyone else. Until the CCP loses power and we bring our businesses home. Nobody is going to be able to compete against the Belt to Road Intiative. Not even your Anarcho Capitalism.

The CCP and business aligned with them are using Crony Capitalism from one direction while promoting socialism in the other direction. The middle class is getting screwed.

I support less government control. Just becareful with throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Especially too fast. That's how you get some extreme violence. That sounds cool to some. Until those they care about get caught in the middle of it.
That's what happens when a country moves too far left and tries to do business with the CCP. You can't compete with a country in trade that has slave labor and cheap labor. Crony Capitalism starts to kill Capitalism for everyone else. Until the CCP loses power and we bring our businesses home. Nobody is going to be able to compete against the Belt to Road Intiative. Not even your Anarcho Capitalism.

The CCP and business aligned with them are using Crony Capitalism from one direction while promoting socialism in the other direction. The middle class is getting screwed.

I support less government control. Just becareful with throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Especially too fast. That's how you get some extreme violence. That sounds cool to some. Until those they care about get caught in the middle of it.
there is no baby only a cancer imo. But you are correct about not not being able to do it quickly. You have to minimize a cancer before you can remove it and the deconstruction would be verry painful. Like having to tell everyone that social security isn't there for example.
The crony capitalism of baling out failing businesses needs to be the first to go. Let the failing businesses fail, the banks, the airlines, the auto industry, the universities, etc
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there is no baby only a cancer imo. But you are correct about not not being able to do it quickly. You have to minimize a cancer before you can remove it and the deconstruction would be verry painful. Like having to tell everyone that social security isn't there for example.
The crony capitalism of baling out failing businesses needs to be the first to go. Let the failing businesses fail, the banks, the airlines, the auto industry, the universities, etc

You got to bring jobs back first. If you don't start with that you end up with a civil war. You also have to decouple from the CCP. If that doesn't happen then we will end up being thier subordinate. Any plan that doesn't get behind that first will fail.
You got to bring jobs back first. If you don't start with that you end up with a civil war. You also have to decouple from the CCP. If that doesn't happen then we will end up being thier subordinate. Any plan that doesn't get behind that first will fail.
so now you advocate for crony capitalism
Let the market work! Jobs will be provided if you get out of the way, government isn't better at creating job than the market
so now you advocate for crony capitalism
Let the market work jobs will be provided if you get out of the way, government isn't better at creating job than the market

That's not what I said. You don't seem to understand that destroying another country's economy to ignite a civil war is a military tactic. Why land troops when you can get them to destroy themselves. You seem to want to defend the CCP. You must work in the tech industry. Working with the CCP and their allies isn't a free market for the reasons I stated above about their labor. So until you deal with that first they will only get stronger and the middle class here will only suffer more.
Russia and the CCP are working together. Zelensky is a puppet. Why did Russia wait for Trump to leave office to invade Ukraine then all of a sudden their proxies started pushing more people over the border? Because they want to bankrupt us and the new Democrat Party and some Republicans are working with them. They want to ignite civil conflict.

Some of you might find this interesting. I know he better hire loyal security that's always close by.

The media want to make sure you know that Javier Milei, the upstart candidate who improbably won Argentina’s presidential primary this week, is a “Trump admirer,” “right-wing populist,” “far-right outsider,” “far-right populist,” “rightist,” “far-right libertarian,” a “radical” — and did they mention he’s on the “far-right“?

For a quick comparison, recall that when far-leftist Lula won his election in Brazil recently, the headlines read, “Lula beats far-right President Bolsonaro to win Brazil election,” or, “Brazil’s Lula sworn in, vows accountability and rebuilding,” etc. But you know how that goes.

Argentina was borrowing money to pay for the debts there are defaulting on... Argentina without a massive change was a dying country. It was a failed socialist experiment.They were spending money like mad, paying people directly through the state.54% of the population was under the poverty line.Their industries were failing.Anyone who's mad about the election results didn't pay attention. They didn't vote for Milei out of spite; they voted for him because they don't have a choice. The same old same old was the reason why they were in this mess.
Ever watched a train barrel toward a cliff in slow motion?
Debt leads to money printing which leads to inflation. We are on that track as is every other fiat currency in the world.

Ever watched a train barrel toward a cliff in slow motion?
Debt leads to money printing which leads to inflation. We are on that track as is every other fiat currency in the world.

Don't get too excited.

Argentina was borrowing money to pay for the debts there are defaulting on... Argentina without a massive change was a dying country. It was a failed socialist experiment.They were spending money like mad, paying people directly through the state.54% of the population was under the poverty line.Their industries were failing.Anyone who's mad about the election results didn't pay attention. They didn't vote for Milei out of spite; they voted for him because they don't have a choice. The same old same old was the reason why they were in this mess.
Wish him the very best, but like the Marxists we have in the USA, the deep state will not go quietly into the night. Argentina is a wholly corrupt, socialist nightmare and the elites stand to lose big with him in charge. Sound familiar?

Like Trump, I pray for his safety.
Wish him the very best, but like the Marxists we have in the USA, the deep state will not go quietly into the night. Argentina is a wholly corrupt, socialist nightmare and the elites stand to lose big with him in charge. Sound familiar?

Like Trump, I pray for his safety.

I certainly don't agree with him on some of his policies. But I understand why he won. There might be a civil war there within 6 months.
I certainly don't agree with him on some of his policies. But I understand why he won. There might be a civil war there within 6 months.
I'm thinking a military junta if he even tries half the stuff he is proposing. It's going to be very interesting to watch things unfold down there.
I'm thinking a military junta if he even tries half the stuff he is proposing. It's going to be very interesting to watch things unfold down there.

He should give the enlisted a huge pay raise to start off. Tell them he will promote them to officers if they turn in any officers plotting a coup.
Me and Prince don't agree on somethings However I thought some would find this interview interesting.

Reference Venezuela and Argentina.