Are you Marshallonioans....


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
behind this?

Have you been in secret consultations with Tar Heel fans?

Anyway, a UNC fan has started an online petition to the NCAA to have the results of the national championship game over turned due to poor officiating.

In other words, every call didn't go North Carolina's way.

Kinda sounds vaguely familiar to me.
The difference between 2 dicks and a joke? Marshall fans can't take a joke.

You've posted that at least three times that I can remember. Each time you do it reminds me just how simple minded and mentally challenged you are.
You've posted that at least three times that I can remember. Each time you do it reminds me just how simple minded and mentally challenged you are.
I have posted it twice and if I gave a shit what you thought of me maybe you wouldnt be wasting your time repeating yourself. Btw I am convinced you are simple minded and mentally challenged.
Oh and BTW, lighten up francis. Nobody takes you seriously so you should join the crowd.
Oh and BTW, lighten up francis. Nobody takes you seriously so you should join the crowd.

You are a mental midget. Long hours of little brain stimulation while doing a mindless task of dropping road cones will do that to a person, Dave.
Lol GCB has left the building, jackass.

You've got me cold, jarhead.

I simply had to retreat after the intellectual hammering visited upon me by Michigan Herd.

After considering asking the state legislature to intervene and then deciding to boycott something, anything instead, I'm back.

I'm just going to stick with my well-founded belief that we have been lucky over the years when we play you guys.

And practically all my fellow Mountaineer fans agree.......we will never catch up to you guys despite all of our upsets in the head-to-head contests.
You've got me cold, jarhead.

I simply had to retreat after the intellectual hammering visited upon me by Michigan Herd.

You should, he killed you.

After considering asking the state legislature to intervene and then deciding to boycott something, anything instead, I'm back.
I'm sure they give a shit what you do

I'm just going to stick with my well-founded belief that we have been lucky over the years when we play you guys.
Back to back to back

And practically all my fellow Mountaineer fans agree.......we will never catch up to you guys despite all of our upsets in the head-to-head contests.
You and all your fellow mountaineer fans are equally retarded
I don't think there's any doubt that little twiggy, aka dave, was dropped on his skull multiple times when he was just a child. If you ever get to watch the youTube video featuring 'dave', you'll come away with a better understanding as to why he's a stooge. In fact, you'll probably feel sorry for him, just as I've done.
I don't think there's any doubt that little twiggy, aka dave, was dropped on his skull multiple times when he was just a child. If you ever get to watch the youTube video featuring 'dave', you'll come away with a better understanding as to why he's a stooge. In fact, you'll probably feel sorry for him, just as I've done.

More talk but no action. Why not just post the video? I know why you cant. It doesnt exist. Its not me so you dont need my permission to post it. Put up or shut up.
how many hours per day do you not think about me? it may be easier for you to count in minutes.

So, that's it. That's why you always insist on trying to prove yourself, you're worried what we think about you.

Here's a little bit of advise. You'll worry a lot less what people think about you once you realize how seldom they do.
So, that's it. That's why you always insist on trying to prove yourself, you're worried what we think about you.

Here's a little bit of advise. You'll worry a lot less what people think about you once you realize how seldom they do.

wait: from what you quoted of mine, you inferred that im worried about what you think of me? you dont read much, huh?

what i asked was how often you dont think about me, not WHAT you think about me. there is a huge difference.

a little bit of "advise," eh? let me give you some of that "advise," moron. "advise" and "advice" are two different words with two different meanings. it is a very common error that uneducated morons routinely make.

now, go back and read the threads from a few days ago where i called you guys out for your obsession. after more than 24 hours with no responses on the entire board, i received two responses within a few minutes. then, when i called that out and claimed you guys wouldnt respond to my other post mocking you for responding to quickly to me every time, you did just what i said - no response.

clockwork, stalkers. clockwork.
wait: from what you quoted of mine, you inferred that im worried about what you think of me? you dont read much, huh?

what i asked was how often you dont think about me, not WHAT you think about me. there is a huge difference.

a little bit of "advise," eh? let me give you some of that "advise," moron. "advise" and "advice" are two different words with two different meanings. it is a very common error that uneducated morons routinely make.

now, go back and read the threads from a few days ago where i called you guys out for your obsession. after more than 24 hours with no responses on the entire board, i received two responses within a few minutes. then, when i called that out and claimed you guys wouldnt respond to my other post mocking you for responding to quickly to me every time, you did just what i said - no response.

clockwork, stalkers. clockwork.
Response time smack. You turds are comical.
wait: from what you quoted of mine, you inferred that im worried about what you think of me? you dont read much, huh?

what i asked was how often you dont think about me, not WHAT you think about me. there is a huge difference.

a little bit of "advise," eh? let me give you some of that "advise," moron. "advise" and "advice" are two different words with two different meanings. it is a very common error that uneducated morons routinely make.

now, go back and read the threads from a few days ago where i called you guys out for your obsession. after more than 24 hours with no responses on the entire board, i received two responses within a few minutes. then, when i called that out and claimed you guys wouldnt respond to my other post mocking you for responding to quickly to me every time, you did just what i said - no response.

clockwork, stalkers. clockwork.

My goodness you're stupid. No, I don't read your posts that closely, because I don't care. I get just enough to use your narcissism against you and spool you up.

I type a few words and then sit back and laugh and laugh at the paragraphs you write in response.

LOL ... dance puppet dance