Not an expert but a quick google search on transgender research shows a lot more diversity of opinion on the subject plus the fact that Paul McHugh is widely criticized as an objective researcher.
And further .... and really to the point .... if WVU buys into this transgender movement, which it appears to be doing ..... it will only be enabling mentally sick people to continue on a downward path.
How's that for answering the question ... "So?"
Sorry, 'king' is not a pronoun, plus I already think of you as one of my subjects. Good luck with that lawsuit!All I know is I want everyone on this board to refer to me as your king. I'm not a king, but I identify as a King. Therefore I want you to refer to me from this point forward as king disciples. I thank you for honoring my rights to be called for whatever I want to be called. If you do not choose to refer to me by the name I so prefer, I may file a lawsuit against you.
Ok Queenie, whatever you say.All I know is I want everyone on this board to refer to me as your king. I'm not a king, but I identify as a King. Therefore I want you to refer to me from this point forward as king disciples. I thank you for honoring my rights to be called for whatever I want to be called. If you do not choose to refer to me by the name I so prefer, I may file a lawsuit against you.
It reads like you think you just made some type of awesome groundbreaking post. Funny.
V allows you to post and it's very clear that your mental health declines each and every time you click 'post'. I suppose he's an enabler too.
You are playing word have zero compassion for these people but rather think they're just freaks you want out of society. You lost the war against gay people and have a new target. Nothing more and nothing less.
I would see the argument that new restrooms is rediculous (if they were asking for them)...but the fact is they're completely fine using the current ones. .....they've ALWAYS been around and used public restrooms without issue. It's people like you who can't deal with them identifying if a monster (in your world) under the bed is better than one you can see (and communicate with).
Relax...what 'they' do has zero impact on your life.
All I know is I want everyone on this board to refer to me as your king. I'm not a king, but I identify as a King. Therefore I want you to refer to me from this point forward as king disciples. I thank you for honoring my rights to be called for whatever I want to be called. If you do not choose to refer to me by the name I so prefer, I may file a lawsuit against you.
It reads like you think you just made some type of awesome groundbreaking post. Funny.
V allows you to post and it's very clear that your mental health declines each and every time you click 'post'. I suppose he's an enabler too.
You are playing word have zero compassion for these people but rather think they're just freaks you want out of society. You lost the war against gay people and have a new target. Nothing more and nothing less.
I would see the argument that new restrooms is rediculous (if they were asking for them)...but the fact is they're completely fine using the current ones. .....they've ALWAYS been around and used public restrooms without issue. It's people like you who can't deal with them identifying if a monster (in your world) under the bed is better than one you can see (and communicate with).
Relax...what 'they' do has zero impact on your life.
If it comes from Kim Jung Un, I dismiss it without hesitation. Same with his soulmate, Steve Bannon.
Ok Queenie, whatever you say.
You sound homophobic with that response to me. Lawsuit headed your way. Maybe even an arrest. At the very least your insensitivity should cost you your job.