Another cleanup on 'aisle Biden'


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

So Pathetic... what an embarrassment.

So we are just suppose to pretend he is all there and let him continue to run the country? That would make all of us guilty.

How far gone will Biden be by November?
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It will reach double digits if the Democrats win in 2024.

The biggest mistake that the deep state / establishment / uniparty ever made was stealing the 2020 election.

If they didn’t, Trump’s second term would almost be over now. The MSM would still have the Covid death counter up and running and the 800k Covid deaths that happened under Biden would have all been blamed on Trump. More people than ever would have been scared into supporting their ultimate weapon, censorship.

Trump would have most likely been impeached a couple more times. Liberals, instead of getting six boosters, would have just been blaming him for the vaccine not working. Democrats would be running someone young and without dementia in November. The America First movement probably would have started to stall out. And people would have never had their eyes opened by the true awfulness of a President Biden.

But they just couldn’t help themselves and now they’re fvcked.
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