Another all time high for the stock market ??

Yeah, things are looking good. Interest rates will continue to drop and the economy should be in good shape for a while.
The Democrats gave the middle class and the poor a 20 percent pay cut, and you think that is acceptable.
Dude trickle down economics not the answer. That’s Donny’s plan. That’s what killed the middle class under Reagan. The “pay”cut was big business greed not policy set by the admin. But Donny will reward these jokers with tax cuts. Genius. 🤦🏻
Dude trickle down economics not the answer. That’s Donny’s plan. That’s what killed the middle class under Reagan. The “pay”cut was big business greed not policy set by the admin. But Donny will reward these jokers with tax cuts. Genius. 🤦🏻

You are an ignorant dipshit. Govt spending is why inflation ballooned.

Oh Donny’s govt spending ????? No retard too much $$$ in the system then supply chain disruption ect ect. Man you are a ****ing idiot

The Democrats are the ones that shut down the country and the supply chain, dipshit.
Really wasn’t donny the president Man your family tree must not split because you are dumb

He didn't have the power to shut anything down, dipshit. It was the governors and all Democrat run states did it.
Wow you are dumb.
M O R O N!!!

The 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, included in the original Bill of Rights, states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” As University of Texas law professor Bobby Chesney has recently reminded us, the states are independent entities within our system of federalism, not mere subordinate jurisdictions of the national government. In areas reserved to the states, he says, the federal government “cannot coerce the states into taking actions to suit federal policy preference.”
If Trump thinks he can move to center stage by ending the crisis before the science says he should, he will find it difficult to do so. No federal statute gives the president the authority to override state decisions. Nor does he possess this inherent authority under Article II of the Constitution. Nor do any other provisions of the Constitution (such as the interstate commerce clause) confer this power on him. If governors choose to disregard his call to reopen their states, their decisions will be final, and the President Trump will have to live with them.