Ankorage 7.2 quake


Heisman Winner
Dec 15, 2002
Yeah, calm down with this mess. I'm going to San Diego in a couple weeks.

It's probably best you just worry about the invasion going on so nearby.
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It's probably best you just worry about the invasion going on so nearby.
And they've got a lot of rough people in those caravans. They are not angels. They are not. You saw what happened two days ago with the Mexican military and the Mexican police. You saw what happened there, how tough the opposition is.

We're tougher than anybody. We're tougher than any force. And we're probably going to have to be, unfortunately.
I'm debating going down. I'm going to have free time on my hands.
I was on a conference call with a participant from Anchorage when the quake and aftershock took place. He was pretty shook-up and his house was a mess: things knock off shelves, light fixtures knocked down.

I rode a 7.3 out in Cali. Pretty terrifying.
I knew you'd be into it. I'll pass but just check your grindr app, I'm sure you'll find sinebody.
I'll refer them to you. You brought it up. Just trying to have a little fun and you go and make a gay comment.