Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.

Understand there has been numerous Data Breaches in the past 20 years. They have everyone's information. They being all our enemies because they share the information. Being aware of surroundings and using Counter Surveillance techniques would be wise. That goes for family and friends too.

And this Administration has done nothing but at least School Board Meetings are covered.

U.S. Special Operations soldiers around the country have experienced strange interactions in recent years that they say involve suspicious surveillance of them and their families. Many believe that U.S. military bases have become an increasing target of foreign probes.

Mysterious shooting outside Army Special Forces residence in North Carolina raises questions​

This is why we need to keep boots of the ground and let the Nazis and Communist Islamic Jihadist kill each other.

Ukrainian fighters grease bullets against Chechens with pig fat​

EXCLUSIVEChinese spies and Iranian terrorists are posing as DoorDash drivers to get onto U.S. military bases and steal secrets​



NEW: Another 118 Chinese nationals crossed illegally into San Diego sector yesterday, per CBP sources.I’m told San Diego sector has now had 30,000+ Chinese since October 1st.Other San Diego sector nationalities since 10/1:8,900+
Uzbekistan 4,400+
Mauritania 3,000+
Vietnam 5,600+
Guinea 30,000+
Chinese crossing illegally in San Diego sector since 10/1 is unprecedented.It’s an 8,600% increase over all of fiscal year 2021, when just 342 Chinese nationals crossed illegally - across the entire southern border.There is now an orchestrated, well organized cartel smuggling operation of Chinese into Southern California, and it appears there has essentially been zero effort to stop it.

According to PLA doctrine, special operations are considered one link in system of systems operations to be integrated with the other important campaign activities of information warfare, firepower assault, maneuver and psychological warfare. Special operations seek to create favorable conditions for main force units by raiding vital enemy areas, paralyzing enemy operational systems, reducing enemy operational capabilities, as well as interfering, delaying and disrupting enemy operational activities. SOF units are tasked mainly to conduct special reconnaissance, raids, sabotage, harassment, hostage rescue and decapitation missions.
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I popped in to listen to part of Bannon’s show this morning to hear him discussing with historian Patrick O’Donnell how the French invaded Mexico to install Maximillian (a Hapsburg) as the Mexican Emperor.

They did this while the US Civil War was raging because, according to O’Donnell, France feared the rise of the US on the world stage. The French had done a calculation that the US would have a population of 300 million by 1960.

What’s old is new again. The Chinese are using Mexican cartels as a pawn to destroy and divide America. They’re just using a different set of tactics including weaponizing illegal immigration to hurt us.

The strategy is the same. How nations try to undermine other nations like the US is eternal. It’s not a forgotten “technology.”

Different forms of invasions can come across our southern border. We have to be vigilant. Yet under the Biden Administration vigilance the border is nonexistent.
Libertarians beware. You are experiencing an infiltrating like the Democrat Party already experienced.

Christians and Trump supporters are next. Actually that already happened so open season on anyone that doesn't let them have their way is next.

It's never too late to start training and to learn new skill sets. Sooner than later would be better though because if you think this only applies to the Jews you haven't been paying attention.


Correct, nothing will change. Just words then a wink. Nothing Actionable that solves the damage already done.

Yes but you should more concerned about the ones who got away that were able to cross without making contact by sensors. They have training and skills instead of being common violent criminals.