Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.

Looks like this Isarel situation will be the last straw for many. It's really exposing the crazies. Maybe these Universities should start with looking at who they have hired to teach the youths.

UPenn notifies FBI of 'disturbing' antisemitic emails 'threatening violence' against its Jewish community​

An investigation is currently underway​

Jewish Americans really need to stop voting for Democrats. The party is controlled by the CCP and Muslim Brotherhood that runs Iran.

Translation: We don't want to lose Michigan, Minnesota, and our Sharia Law voters.
The fact Mayorkas hasn't been impeached yet is an embarrassment to both parties.

So for those not paying attention. There are groups in Spain protesting against the far left socialist open border nutjobs. Yesterday their leader was shot in the face. Here is one theroy on who did it.

Iran may be linked to assassination attempt on Spanish politician: police​

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So for those not paying attention. There are groups in Spain protesting against the far left socialist open border nutjobs. Yesterday their leader was shot in the face. Here is one theroy on who did it.

Iran may be linked to assassination attempt on Spanish politician: police​

Iran, Russia, and China want this to happen in the United States. Because that leads to UN "Peace Keepers". Now go look up who is in the UN.

These groups are being called Nationalist. That doesn't mean Nazis or National Socialist. The Nazis and Communist are working together. Mostly these are Spain citizens tired of open borders and politicians working with foreign agents to destroy their country from within.
This is profound. Not all Jews support Marxism. That's why lumping them all together is dangerous. But that's is exactly what's been going on around the world. A color revolution. Backed by Russia, Iran, and the CCP. The ADL has been infiltrated with Marxist. Just like the SPLC. Now the wolf you help create intentionally or not is hungry and at the door.

Steve Bannon On The Muslim Brotherhood’s Surfacing: “The Kinetic Part Is Starting”​

Those UN "Peace Keepers" are going to be a problem.

After failing to condemn Hamas terror group, UN adopts eight resolutions condemning Jewish state​

All eight resolutions will be rubber-stamped by the General Assembly in December​

Two kinds of shoplifting going on right now. One caused by Biden's economic policies and the other being encouraged by Socialist Anarchist.

can’t make this stuff up. Recently, we tried to help Target. Our Property Crimes detectives and sergeant were contacted numerous times by Target to help them with shoplifters, mostly who were known transients. We coordinated with them and set up an operation with detectives and our North POP team.At the briefing, we were told by their head of regional security that we could not contact suspects inside the store; we could not handcuff suspects in the store; and if we arrested someone, they wanted us to procees them outside… behind the store… in the rain. We were told they didn't want to create a scene inside the store and have people film it and put it on social media. They didn't want negative press. Unbelievable.Our deputies watched a lady on camera bring in her own shopping bags, go down the body wash isle, and grab a bunch of Native body washes. Then she went to customer service and return them! Target chose to do nothing and simply let it happen. Yet somehow, locking up deodorant and raising prices on everyday items we need to survive is their best answer. We don’t tell big retail how to do their jobs, they shouldn’t tell us how to do ours.

This is profound. Not all Jews support Marxism. That's why lumping them all together is dangerous. But that's is exactly what's been going on around the world. A color revolution. Backed by Russia, Iran, and the CCP. The ADL has been infiltrated with Marxist. Just like the SPLC. Now the wolf you help create intentionally or not is hungry and at the door.

Steve Bannon On The Muslim Brotherhood’s Surfacing: “The Kinetic Part Is Starting”​

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After the Jews guess who is next. Hey ADL maybe you should rethink supporting the people who are creating these little Hitlers.

University of Maryland Palestinian rally under investigation after apparent calls for ‘Holocaust 2.0’​

Stop supporting progressives. It's a synonym for Socialist.


No. That's not how it works. That's propaganda like the FEMA Camps stuff. Russia, China, and Iran puts that out to get you all worked up and people fall for it.

All people have to do is Google UN Peace Keepers and the US. There are many articles and professional papers on how it works. The MAM coming across the border are not Peace Keepers. They are coming for much different reasons. Reasons that could lead to UN Peace Keepers having to get involved eventually. Have enough emergencies then FEMA might have to build camps. You can read about that on official FEMA SOP's.

When people who understand how this works tell you that it's possible to get UN Troops here enforcing laws. We are not talking about conspiracy theories. Just go read their own information of how they operate and articles on prior missions. We should never want countries that are in the UN here. Just look up who is in the UN.

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Defund the Police
Abolish ICE
Abolish Border Patrol
Destroy Military Recruiting
Create Chaos and Civil war
Take away your ability to defend yourself
Who is going to save you?
Obviously we will need the UN then if the above is allowed to happen.
Who is in the UN and who is yielding the most influence right now?

Then Google problems with UN Peace Keepers.

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No. That's not how it works. That's propaganda like the FEMA Camps stuff. Russia, China, and Iran puts that out to get you all worked up and people fall for it.

All people have to do is Google UN Peace Keepers and the US. There are many articles and professional papers on how it works. The MAM coming across the border are not Peace Keepers. They are coming for much different reasons. Reasons that could lead to UN Peace Keepers having to get involved eventually. Have enough emergencies then FEMA might have to build camps. You can read about that on official FEMA SOP's.

When people who understand how this works tell you that it's possible to get UN Troops here enforcing laws. We are not talking about conspiracy theories. Just go read their own information of how they operate and articles on prior missions. We should never want countries that are in the UN here. Just look up who is in the UN.

The FEMA Camp conspiracy isn't just a Right Wing Group conspiracy theroy. Below is the ACLU version of it. Unfortunately how the Japanese were treated during WW2 doesn't help. Back when the theroy was being pushed what people saw was FEMA and the National Guard building temporary areas for the homeless. Could future facilities be constructed if we had future civil unrest. Absolutely. There are Government SOP and manuals on it. Thar doesn't mean you to be paranoid. I would just prefer to be self reliant.

Tearing down our flag. Look closely at the two flags that are left.


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