America, here are your Christmas gifts from the obiden regime: Another caravan of invaders and MORE $$$$ for Ukraine. TERRORISM & TUBERCULOSIS & RAPE


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
"The collapse of the US southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program."

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A plane heading for Nicaragua was just grounded outside of Paris on suspicion of human trafficking.

The plane took off from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) carrying 303 Indian passengers, all of them without any documentation.

They stopped outside of Paris to refuel the plane and were stopped and not allowed to continue their journey.

Of course, we can assume once they got to Nicaragua they'd be sent on the journey to the Southern Border where they can just cross into the United States without any issue.

How vast are the criminal human trafficking rings that are sending people to this country?

More importantly, who the hell are these people coming into this country?


It’s the end of 2023 and this is the current state of Joe Bidens America:

- More people are illegally crossing the border than children being born in the US.
- The leading candidate who wants to stop the invasion is being dragged through multiple court systems including the Presidents DOJ.
- Two states have attempted to remove the leading candidate from the ballot for a crime he was never charged with.
- Sanctuary cities are being overwhelmed with the number of migrants taking resources from Americans.
- The federal deficit is increasing to levels we’ve never seen before.

- The GOP is doing nothing to stop any of this, and instead have members actively working with democrats to subvert what conservatives voted for.
Violent hungry gangs of invaders WILL BE kicking in your door.

They will steal your possessions, rape and murder your family and assume your house.