America hater Trump still hasn't had a 3% annual GDP growth...

lol. Good one boomer. Just let Lou Dobbs take away your pain.
I'm not happy or unhappy. I'm for deficit reductions. cut all welfare and Disability payments, make federal workers work 40 years to get a pension. Raise the SS age again. I'm all ears, what else do we need to cut?
I'm not happy or unhappy. I'm for deficit reductions. cut all welfare and Disability payments, make federal workers work 40 years to get a pension. Raise the SS age again. I'm all ears, what else do we need to cut?
Cut? We need to cut defense, and medicare payments. This thread sure is shifting.
Deficits are greater. Debt is higher. Trade deficits are an all time high (that used to be a thing on this board).

The economies are basically the same. Perhaps it's time to admit we have a lazy, aging workforce? Good thing we're cutting our immigration numbers. :joy::joy::joy:

Ok, the economies are are the same. BO said it best, this is the new economy, and my favorite, what's he going to do, wave a magic wand and create a better economy. Orange man bad, and the beat goes on.
Ok. Growing revenues also helps with deficits. But the majority of the work needs done with defense and medicare spending.
Entitlements, SS, diability, food stamps, defense, start dropping nukes quit pussy footing around and wasting resourses.
Entitlements, SS, diability, food stamps, defense, start dropping nukes quit pussy footing around and wasting resourses.
Self nuke ourselves and never worry about resources or deficits again!!
Right. Middle America is where the financially literate, budget mindful people live. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:
Normal people live there. San fran is full of the kind of people who think dropping a deuce on a street is perfectly normal.
Normal people live there. San fran is full of the kind of people who think dropping a deuce on a street is perfectly normal.
From deficits and fiscal responsibility to poop on a sidewalk. You're getting more and more like a used truck salesman.
From deficits and fiscal responsibility to poop on a sidewalk. You're getting more and more like a used truck salesman.
Just pointing out how smart the people are in calif. You seem to like them. Maybe you like to drop dueces on streets and go down on other men?
Just pointing out how smart the people are in calif. You seem to like them. Maybe you like to drop dueces on streets and go down on other men?
"Conservatives" on this board seem to be going full toddler today. :joy::joy::joy:

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Fascinatingly, although inflation was a little bit higher of a problem during Obama’s presidency, the Federal Reserve has been much more aggressive at raising interest rates during President Trump’s administration, having already increased the federal funds target rate four times during Trump’s first 16 months in office. It took the Federal Reserve almost seven years before it got around to raising interest rates during the Obama administration.

Did the Federal Reserve think Obama was that terrible for the economy?

Fred Flinstone could have achieved better growth with nearly 0% interest rates under most of the Obama Administration.
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the Federal Reserve stopped the GDP from going to 6% the past year...

traitor44 was playing with 0% MONEY for 8 years...


the Federal Reserve was going to crush our economy...

all part of the Deep State...

and they lost...
