America hater Trump still hasn't had a 3% annual GDP growth...


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002
He's just an old, orange version of 0bummer!!!

Oh well. At least we cleaned up the deficits and the debt. :flush:
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That was probably his last best chance with reduced growth forecast in 2019. Not sure about 2020 but everything was aligned for him in 2018.

and now some (more) comedy relief...

Trump predicts GDP growth could soon 'be in the 5s'
If he'd get rid of the stupid f'n tariffs....he could have a chance this year.

People on this board kept predicting GDP in the 4s and 5s. It's laughable
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If he'd get rid of the stupid f'n tariffs....he could have a chance this year.

People on this board kept predicting GDP in the 4s and 5s. It's laughable
They also predicted Trump would have Kim suck him off on national TV. Jeez....that was too.....
How about 2.1% that includes a 0.18% in 2009 as we came out of the great recession.

Guess Which Presidents Really Oversaw Economic Booms

Did you even read the article? Over Big O's 8 years he had a .1 % increase better than Bush! Think about that, Under Bush, 9/11 happened and destroyed the economy for at least 4 years and he still performed as well as BO. In contrast, in two years, Trump has outpaced them by .8%?

And before you get into, well, I am using the 2nd graph and not the first one, but even if you avg. out both, it tells the same story.
Did you even read the article? Over Big O's 8 years he had a .1 % increase better than Bush! Think about that, Under Bush, 9/11 happened and destroyed the economy for at least 4 years and he still performed as well as BO. In contrast, in two years, Trump has outpaced them by .8%?

And before you get into, well, I am using the 2nd graph and not the first one, but even if you avg. out both, it tells the same story.
Yeah Bush did an awesome job with the economy
Did you even read the article? Over Big O's 8 years he had a .1 % increase better than Bush! Think about that, Under Bush, 9/11 happened and destroyed the economy for at least 4 years and he still performed as well as BO. In contrast, in two years, Trump has outpaced them by .8%?

And before you get into, well, I am using the 2nd graph and not the first one, but even if you avg. out both, it tells the same story.

Average historical economic growth in the US is 3%, so Trump can’t even hit the average, even with the big business tax cut.

Trump knew he couldn’t hit 5%-6% growth but said it anyway. That, my friend, is called a lie.
Did you even read the article? Over Big O's 8 years he had a .1 % increase better than Bush! Think about that, Under Bush, 9/11 happened and destroyed the economy for at least 4 years and he still performed as well as BO. In contrast, in two years, Trump has outpaced them by .8%?

And before you get into, well, I am using the 2nd graph and not the first one, but even if you avg. out both, it tells the same story.
I was correcting MichiganTurd not touting BO's record but since you brought that up....Regarding Bush and 9/11 (2001), GDP in 2001 was 1%, 1.8% in 2002. In BO's first full year (2009) it was -2.8% due to the great recession (that Bush left BO).
I was correcting MichiganTurd not touting BO's record but since you brought that up....Regarding Bush and 9/11 (2001), GDP in 2001 was 1%, 1.8% in 2002. In BO's first full year (2009) it was -2.8% due to the great recession (that Bush left BO).

So was the slowing of the US economy due to Clinton? We had the bubble during Clinton and it started to go bust around the time he left office. 9/11 was real and it was a solid knock down punch to the US. in terms of the economy. Are yo saying that 9/11 had no inpact on the US?
So was the slowing of the US economy due to Clinton? We had the bubble during Clinton and it started to go bust around the time he left office. 9/11 was real and it was a solid knock down punch to the US. in terms of the economy. Are yo saying that 9/11 had no inpact on the US?
Clinton? dot com? wtf ever heard of the Great Recession? it wasn't pretty, worst U.S. economic decline since the Great Depression. I gave you gdp on 2001 and 2002 which would cover 9/11, gdp was down but nothing compared to 2008-2009.
Average historical economic growth in the US is 3%, so Trump can’t even hit the average, even with the big business tax cut.

Trump knew he couldn’t hit 5%-6% growth but said it anyway. That, my friend, is called a lie.

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms...

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...

And worse still, Barack Obama is the only president in US history to never have a year of economic growth over 3.0%...

As we noted previously, every other president in American history, even the really bad ones, had at least one year when U.S. GDP grew by at least 3 percent. But this has not happened under Obama even though he has had two terms in the White House.

As a reminder, this dismal economic track record came at the same as President Obama almost doubled the National Debt...

So was the slowing of the US economy due to Clinton? We had the bubble during Clinton and it started to go bust around the time he left office. 9/11 was real and it was a solid knock down punch to the US. in terms of the economy. Are yo saying that 9/11 had no inpact on the US?

I've been in tech since '91. During the .com bubble, I saw companies throwing cash around at things that had no business value whatsoever, the likes of which I hadn't seen before nor after. Stupid me, I didn't follow the cash during that time, because I knew those were short-term at best.

I was a contractor during 2001. My contract ended 9/25/2001. I was on the sideline for 4 months. I will never be a contractor again.
Clinton? dot com? wtf ever heard of the Great Recession? it wasn't pretty, worst U.S. economic decline since the Great Depression. I gave you gdp on 2001 and 2002 which would cover 9/11, gdp was down but nothing compared to 2008-2009.

Personally, this one didn't impact me. I went from one line of business that was shaky, to my current employer. I think I will retire here, we shall see.

I turned this place down the first time because they offered me less than I was making at prior. Silly me.
Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms...

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...

And worse still, Barack Obama is the only president in US history to never have a year of economic growth over 3.0%...

As we noted previously, every other president in American history, even the really bad ones, had at least one year when U.S. GDP grew by at least 3 percent. But this has not happened under Obama even though he has had two terms in the White House.

As a reminder, this dismal economic track record came at the same as President Obama almost doubled the National Debt...

And Trump is continuing the modest growth with exploding deficits. Kind of the point of this thread.
Clinton? dot com? wtf ever heard of the Great Recession? it wasn't pretty, worst U.S. economic decline since the Great Depression. I gave you gdp on 2001 and 2002 which would cover 9/11, gdp was down but nothing compared to 2008-2009.

Have you ever heard of the Great Depression? Black Monday? And you point is? We can argue about what caused the GR, and who it hurt, but you act like that has never happened before. You cannot take an economic event to create shade for BO and act like he saved us from a zombie apocalypse.
Have you ever heard of the Great Depression? Black Monday? And you point is? We can argue about what caused the GR, and who it hurt, but you act like that has never happened before. You cannot take an economic event to create shade for BO and act like he saved us from a zombie apocalypse.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I would refer you to the thread topic.
Feels the same. 1.4% is a distorted, bullshit number that a hack like you would try and pass off.

Here we ago again, talk about a specific economic metric and try to paint a true picture of the economy. When you factor in unemployment, food stamp participation and other factors, there is a major difference between to two economies.

In the next election, Clinton will come back to haunt you and for not what you think..."it's the economy stupid"
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Feels the same. 1.4% is a distorted, bullshit number that a hack like you would try and pass off.
Nope, it's the number just like Trumps is his. I guess you are one of the lucky ones during Obama's reign that did ok. Many did not.
Nope, it's the number just like Trumps is his. I guess you are one of the lucky ones during Obama's reign that did ok. Many did not.
lmao. Same numbers during Trump's reign. What a clown.
Here we ago again, talk about a specific economic metric and try to paint a true picture of the economy. When you factor in unemployment, food stamp participation and other factors, there is a major difference between to two economies.

In the next election, Clinton will come back to haunt you and for not what you think..."it's the economy stupid"
Deficits are greater. Debt is higher. Trade deficits are an all time high (that used to be a thing on this board).

The economies are basically the same. Perhaps it's time to admit we have a lazy, aging workforce? Good thing we're cutting our immigration numbers. :joy::joy::joy:
Farrrrr him
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I have no idea what you're talking about. I would refer you to the thread topic.

It's classic, if it were not for the GR, Obama would have had the greatest economy in the history of the US! If only...

You act like 9/11 was a singular event and was over in two minutes. The world watched while we battled global terrorism, started a war in IRAQ (another debate for sure), and impacted international business for all of our trading partners for years afterwards.