am I the only one here that is "rootin' for Putin" ??? ... has anyone seen ANY US coverage of this obiden disaster ?


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
Ukrainian troops are surrendering in droves, Russian TASS news agency claims, to the extent that Moscow has set up a special radio frequency so Ukrainian soldiers wishing to survive the Meat Grinder can do so safely.
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I wouldn’t go that far lol. For all the Democrats BS of Putin this, Putin that, and Trump is an agent of Putin…you have to realize Putin and Russia are likely in bed with the DC establishment. For all the blame tossed at him, why has he never threatened us? It’s all a global scheme to deceive you and me, and every other American.
now I know it's really over...

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Putin got the green light to invade from Biden. Putin was assured the US would not intervene. Wag the dog.

The world is so much better off without Trumps mean tweets.
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Putin got the green light to invade from Biden. Putin was assured the US would not intervene. Wag the dog.

The world is so much better off without Trumps mean tweets.
I get the tongue in cheek lol…but sadly you’re accurate. This also flips the script as Covid fades away
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A Russian Ka-52 helicopter gunship is seen in the field after a forced landing Kyiv

I wouldn’t go that far lol. For all the Democrats BS of Putin this, Putin that, and Trump is an agent of Putin…you have to realize Putin and Russia are likely in bed with the DC establishment. For all the blame tossed at him, why has he never threatened us? It’s all a global scheme to deceive you and me, and every other American.

Like in a relationship between two people, when one is constantly accusing the other, it is typically the one constanly accusing who is doing the dirty deeds.
So this has me thinking, why do libs hate Communist Russia so much? Their ideologies are similar, except that Russia is traditional in its social infrastructure: They don't subscribe to gender identity bullshit, LBQTRDSIRWNFSWEIR, CRT, etc. What's the hate all about then?

Nationalism is really the enemy of this new breed of American liberal, whether it's Russian or American. Is it really the NWO/Soros agenda vs. the rest of the world? It seems so to me.
And the microcosm to that, my own smaller world, King Cooper is attempting to revamp county services by having them controlled in prosperity zones in the urban centers of each. Charlotte, Raleigh, Wilmington, Winston, etc. would control the services in the smaller rural counties near each.

Yeah, no thanks.

I agree. Don’t know what to make of all this. Why would Putin do this? I mean I understand what he wants but in my opinion China has to be on putins side for him to continue.

He pumps alot of gas from Russia through Ukraine to the rest of Europe. So he's cutting out the middle man. If down the road he invades other former USSR countries that are part of NATO then we as a Nation will need to prepare for war. The CCP is bank rolling this so when I say prepare for war I mean against several enemies. France, Italy, Germany, UK, and the rest of Europe will do the bare minimum which should piss the average American off. So hopefully Ukraine can put together an insurgency battle plan to bog them down for a few years.
He pumps alot of gas from Russia through Ukraine to the rest of Europe. So he's cutting out the middle man. If down the road he invades other former USSR countries that are part of NATO then we as a Nation will need to prepare for war. The CCP is bank rolling this so when I say prepare for war I mean against several enemies. France, Italy, Germany, UK, and the rest of Europe will do the bare minimum which should piss the average American off. So hopefully Ukraine can put together an insurgency battle plan to bog them down for a few years.
How much of this is motivated by the US supported revolution in Ukraine and all the money we send to other weapons and money we have sent to other Baltic nations basically just sending as much weapons to toward the border of Russia as possible?
From my understanding we told Russia that NATO wouldn't expand east of like the middle of Germany but NATO forces and power kept moving east. How is this a lot different than USSR putting nukes in Cuba?
These are honest questions as I try to better understand what is actually going on over there.
So this has me thinking, why do libs hate Communist Russia so much? Their ideologies are similar, except that Russia is traditional in its social infrastructure: They don't subscribe to gender identity bullshit, LBQTRDSIRWNFSWEIR, CRT, etc. What's the hate all about then?

Nationalism is really the enemy of this new breed of American liberal, whether it's Russian or American. Is it really the NWO/Soros agenda vs. the rest of the world? It seems so to me.

Ukraine is certain not a black and white issue. Our meddling in that country since the fall of the USSR has definitely had an impact on how we've gotten to where we are.
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How much of this is motivated by the US supported revolution in Ukraine and all the money we send to other weapons and money we have sent to other Baltic nations basically just sending as much weapons to toward the border of Russia as possible?
From my understanding we told Russia that NATO wouldn't expand east of like the middle of Germany but NATO forces and power kept moving east. How is this a lot different than USSR putting nukes in Cuba?
These are honest questions as I try to better understand what is actually going on over there.

Yes he has legitimate concerns if people want to take the time to study our adversaries. I still hope he strokes out on live t.v. though.
Yes he has legitimate concerns if people want to take the time to study our adversaries. I still hope he strokes out on live t.v. though.
agree he is definitely an evil dictator, but our foreign policy of overthrowing governments abroad keeps biting us in the ass, yet....
By negotiations he means surrender. Russia has counter insurgency forces. However they require lots resources to run effectively. If Ukraine doesn't turn it into that kind of battle and surrender then that's on them.

I wouldn’t go that far lol. For all the Democrats BS of Putin this, Putin that, and Trump is an agent of Putin…you have to realize Putin and Russia are likely in bed with the DC establishment. For all the blame tossed at him, why has he never threatened us? It’s all a global scheme to deceive you and me, and every other American.
Does not yet trust the Lib Left story that obiden is still competent enough to enter a war with him...
How much is other NATO countries giving?

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