am I the only one here that is "rootin' for Putin" ??? ... has anyone seen ANY US coverage of this obiden disaster ?


Let’s talk Kramatorsk.

The city is approximately 25 miles from Bakhmut/Artyomovsk, very close to the front lines in the Donetsk region.

Ukraine claimed Russia struck civilians in a restaurant, turns out it was a hotel being used as a “temporary deployment point” for Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries, to include some former and/or possibly current US/NATO soldiers.

Russian MoD confirmed they struck the location, and that it was a military installation. The surfaced videos seem to corroborate this, as the rubble is full of soldiers.

Of course, Ukraine and the West are painting this as a horrific war crime, when it is Ukraine who have been using civilian infrastructure throughout the war, to shield themselves from Russian fire and to smear Russia.

Ukrainian forces will set up camp inside a rundown and empty school, and then when Russia bombs it, they call it a war crime. They’ve been doing it the entire time.

Looking at the situation big picture, I think this escalation is somewhat tied to Prigozhin’s complaints, that Shoigu and Russian MIL are being too nice and that the Russian People want this to be resolved.

It appears Putin and Shoigu have turned up the heat, and are becoming impatient with the West and their desires to prolong this war.



Brutally honest take on Ukraine from a U.S. Army Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq that is also a Purple Heart recipient:

I have never and will never support the war in Ukraine.

If you do support the war, this tweet is going to offend the shit out of you.

And I honestly don’t care what you think. Some of you may agree, and some of you probably need to hear this.

I have been shot at, blown up, returned fire, everything imaginable. War is serious shit. This is not Call of Duty, this is real ****ing life. I cannot even BBQ anymore without being reminded on the smell of human flesh burning. The term “War is hell”, is coined for a reason.

First: I will start with NATO and Europe. Why the hell are we in NATO if they don’t lift a finger for shit? Why is America always the one that will carry the burden of these asshats. To NATO: If you want this war so badly, then grab a compass and head due East.

Second: You can say whatever you want about President Trump. You can like the man, or you can hate him. However, you cannot argue the point that none of this bullshit was going on when he was President. Just throwing that out there.

Third: Why is it that it took an Airman to leak classified documentation to totally disprove the efforts in Ukraine? Don’t you notice how this story has been wiped from the mockingbird media? They are concealing the truth as well.

Fourth: Where is all of our American taxpayer money going? Let’s be honest about it. How do you “over-calculate” over $6 BILLION DOLLARS of our money for this effort? Where exactly is it going? Into Politician or Zelenskyy’s pockets? If any of us made an “accounting error” on our taxes, we would all be in prison now. This is fraud, waste and abuse putting it lightly.

Fifth: This brings me to another point. Are politicians making money off of this war effort? If so, sorry to say, but you belong in prison. Plain and simple. And that is bipartisan speaking. There are Americans working 2-4 jobs at times just to make ends meet. People are recovering from a lockdown that YOU created.

Sixth: To the Americans backing this war. Why don’t you book yourself a flight to Kyiv and partake in this fight? It’s easy as **** to be okay with war, while you’re chilling with your Starbucks in your comfortable environment. You love to criticize our country but have never contributed a ****ing thing to it.

Last: Why are we not discussing diplomacy? There have been ZERO attempts to sit down like grown ****ing men and come to an agreement. None. It is all too clear that they want this war to continue.

I sure as hell don’t claim to know everything, but this bullshit has gone on long enough.

To the dickheads who will inevitably cherry-pick this tweet know this, your opinion does not matter to me. You can comment, but I won’t give you the benefit of replying. Thanks for playing.

I know this is a very long-winded post. But if you took the time to read, thank you for listening.

#Ukraine #MyTwoCents
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Brutally honest take on Ukraine from a U.S. Army Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq that is also a Purple Heart recipient:

I have never and will never support the war in Ukraine.

If you do support the war, this tweet is going to offend the shit out of you.

And I honestly don’t care what you think. Some of you may agree, and some of you probably need to hear this.

I have been shot at, blown up, returned fire, everything imaginable. War is serious shit. This is not Call of Duty, this is real ****ing life. I cannot even BBQ anymore without being reminded on the smell of human flesh burning. The term “War is hell”, is coined for a reason.

First: I will start with NATO and Europe. Why the hell are we in NATO if they don’t lift a finger for shit? Why is America always the one that will carry the burden of these asshats. To NATO: If you want this war so badly, then grab a compass and head due East.

Second: You can say whatever you want about President Trump. You can like the man, or you can hate him. However, you cannot argue the point that none of this bullshit was going on when he was President. Just throwing that out there.

Third: Why is it that it took an Airman to leak classified documentation to totally disprove the efforts in Ukraine? Don’t you notice how this story has been wiped from the mockingbird media? They are concealing the truth as well.

Fourth: Where is all of our American taxpayer money going? Let’s be honest about it. How do you “over-calculate” over $6 BILLION DOLLARS of our money for this effort? Where exactly is it going? Into Politician or Zelenskyy’s pockets? If any of us made an “accounting error” on our taxes, we would all be in prison now. This is fraud, waste and abuse putting it lightly.

Fifth: This brings me to another point. Are politicians making money off of this war effort? If so, sorry to say, but you belong in prison. Plain and simple. And that is bipartisan speaking. There are Americans working 2-4 jobs at times just to make ends meet. People are recovering from a lockdown that YOU created.

Sixth: To the Americans backing this war. Why don’t you book yourself a flight to Kyiv and partake in this fight? It’s easy as **** to be okay with war, while you’re chilling with your Starbucks in your comfortable environment. You love to criticize our country but have never contributed a ****ing thing to it.

Last: Why are we not discussing diplomacy? There have been ZERO attempts to sit down like grown ****ing men and come to an agreement. None. It is all too clear that they want this war to continue.

I sure as hell don’t claim to know everything, but this bullshit has gone on long enough.

To the dickheads who will inevitably cherry-pick this tweet know this, your opinion does not matter to me. You can comment, but I won’t give you the benefit of replying. Thanks for playing.

I know this is a very long-winded post. But if you took the time to read, thank you for listening.

#Ukraine #MyTwoCents
Lot of valid points made and I agree with him
"I would say that the real story starts in 2014 when the U.S. government, and particularly the neocons in the White House and elsewhere, participated in and supported the overthrow, violent overthrow – a coup d'état – against the democratically elected government of the Ukraine and put in a very, very anti-Russian government," detailed Mr. Kennedy.

"The government that came into the Ukraine began enacting a series of laws that turn turned the Russian populations of the Donbas region into second-class citizens. They illegalized, essentially, their culture, their language, and they began ultimately killing them. They killed 14,000 of them. And it prompted a civil war in the country."

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12 tank factories are reopened.
Production for 2023 is estimated to reach 400-450 new units and 200 refurbished units,
totaling 600 to 650 vehicles from just one factory.
This exceeds the entire annual production of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) in Europe.

if you've lost cnn on the Ukraine lie...

it's about over...

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia​

Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.

Partisan divisions have widened since that poll, too, with most Democrats and Republicans now on opposing sides of questions on the US role in Ukraine.