A tranny crowned Miss Maryland

Re. this from the top of the article

"The pageant winner expressed hope that the victory would be a 'delicious invitation' for LGBT kids to 'be themselves'"

I don't understand how T and LGB are connected. In fact, T seems to contradcit L, G and B. If you're L or G then you're attached to someone of the same sex. But if sex is self-identified then you can't say what sex you're attracted to because you can't say what sex other people are.

If you're a guy attracted to guys, say, you'd say you're a male homosexual. But the guy you're attracted to might say "I'm not a guy, I'm a girl," which means you're not a male homosexual after all and instead are a male bisexual or a male heterosexual.

For that matter, if you're a male heterosexual and your girlfriend and wife says "Actually, I identify as male" then suddenly you're no longer heterosexual.

Attention! Yes, we both have stiffies.
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I wonder how many people around him know that his wife is a man?

And let’s be clear, her being married to a Marine is the reason she won. They want this story out there for normalization reasons.
My only question would be "What is this world becoming" ???
My only question would be "What is this world becoming" ???
Honestly? I don’t really care about this. The trans thing (at age) doesn’t impact me so I tend to not give a damn. The grooming shit, trans in school, like, all of that? Definitely not ok with. But someone being a tranny after they’re 18? Whatevs.