A Timeline of Treason: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election

Oh and this so explains the CYA Rice memo now...

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This is what lies bring out of liars. Tell one But to make it stick you have to tell others to cover up the one you just told. Pretty soon you don't know what that Truth is, and you tell so many lies to yourself you actually start believing them!

That's pretty much where the Left is on this story. They believe all the lies told more than the Truth, and those telling the Truth are being called liars.
Sure, except they released Junior's transcript. They wouldn't have done so if they were to prosecute him for it. And looking at the transcript, there was nothing there.

@TarHeelEer these Leftists are out of ammo. They have nothing left to defend the lies being told and all of this corruption being exposed. How many of 'em on here do you see defending any of this or even refuting it?

Answer: Zero.

Game, set, match.
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