A massive political earthquake just ROCKED Germany.

With everything going on in the World and Our Country I wish I gave a shit about the subject but I don't. Other than the Lawfare that's gone too far with Trump vs Clinton it wouldn't even register on my radar. If Trump did sleep with her then he needs to ask God and his wife for forgiveness. He doesn't need to ask us. He didn't screw us.
I agree. I was just pointing out a fact in the matter. She denied having sex with him. Now she claims she talks to dead people. She did both on a witness stand.
over the last 50 years the dollar has lost 88% of its purchasing power and the circus has yall arguing about who presidents ****
over the last 50 years the dollar has lost 88% of its purchasing power and the circus has yall arguing about who presidents ****
We are too busy funding the Taliban and other terror organizations to worry about the US dollar.
I never said that was the only difference.
You significantly contort yourself into a pretzel to try and make little gotcha points using out of context historical references. One need look no further than the totality of current affairs to see where those you’re aligned with politically and currently drive your party’s leadership agendas. You may not agree with it, that’s fine, but you’ve become an ignored minority in your own party. The days of the Blue Dog Democrat are long since gone. You all have no impact on the legislative affairs of your party, and your continued attempts to rationalize behavior or contextualize it basically provide cover.

There are some outspoken former Dems who’ve elected to stand against the crazy and they should be praised, not marginalized. There is no greater threat to American hegemony and democracy than the liberal left. They’re attacking the 1st amendment (White House and Govt silencing dissenters through pressure campaigns of social media), the 2nd amendment (always been under assault by the left), the 4th (illegal FISA activity), the 5th (latest Trump trial), the 6th (Jan 6th people), the 7th (Letitia James), the 8th (Letitia James), and so on.

And the most in your face activity is the lawfare being waged against the GOP, with the most talked about being Trump, but it’s happening all over, Wisconsin, AZ, and a few others.
You significantly contort yourself into a pretzel to try and make little gotcha points using out of context historical references. One need look no further than the totality of current affairs to see where those you’re aligned with politically and currently drive your party’s leadership agendas. You may not agree with it, that’s fine, but you’ve become an ignored minority in your own party. The days of the Blue Dog Democrat are long since gone. You all have no impact on the legislative affairs of your party, and your continued attempts to rationalize behavior or contextualize it basically provide cover.

There are some outspoken former Dems who’ve elected to stand against the crazy and they should be praised, not marginalized. There is no greater threat to American hegemony and democracy than the liberal left. They’re attacking the 1st amendment (White House and Govt silencing dissenters through pressure campaigns of social media), the 2nd amendment (always been under assault by the left), the 4th (illegal FISA activity), the 5th (latest Trump trial), the 6th (Jan 6th people), the 7th (Letitia James), the 8th (Letitia James), and so on.

And the most in your face activity is the lawfare being waged against the GOP, with the most talked about being Trump, but it’s happening all over, Wisconsin, AZ, and a few others.
You have a right to an opinion, as I do mine. [thumbsup]
You significantly contort yourself into a pretzel to try and make little gotcha points using out of context historical references. One need look no further than the totality of current affairs to see where those you’re aligned with politically and currently drive your party’s leadership agendas. You may not agree with it, that’s fine, but you’ve become an ignored minority in your own party. The days of the Blue Dog Democrat are long since gone. You all have no impact on the legislative affairs of your party, and your continued attempts to rationalize behavior or contextualize it basically provide cover.

There are some outspoken former Dems who’ve elected to stand against the crazy and they should be praised, not marginalized. There is no greater threat to American hegemony and democracy than the liberal left. They’re attacking the 1st amendment (White House and Govt silencing dissenters through pressure campaigns of social media), the 2nd amendment (always been under assault by the left), the 4th (illegal FISA activity), the 5th (latest Trump trial), the 6th (Jan 6th people), the 7th (Letitia James), the 8th (Letitia James), and so on.

And the most in your face activity is the lawfare being waged against the GOP, with the most talked about being Trump, but it’s happening all over, Wisconsin, AZ, and a few others.
The 2nd amendment has remained stronger than every other bill of right except the 3rd amendment, which has never really been modified because no one really pays attention to it. Whining about the attacks on the 2nd amendment is like whining that the Harlem globetrotters get all the calls.

Much ado about nothing.
The 2nd amendment has remained stronger than every other bill of right except the 3rd amendment, which has never really been modified because no one really pays attention to it. Whining about the attacks on the 2nd amendment is like whining that the Harlem globetrotters get all the calls.

Much ado about nothing.
It's ok that the people sworn to protect the bill of rights try and tear it down ?
Biden arming Neo-Nazis once again proving the Communist are working with the Nazis these days.

The Biden administration will lift its ban on allowing a controversial Ukrainian military unit to use U.S. weapons, the Washington Post reported on Monday, citing State Department officials.
The State Department reversed a decade-old prohibition on the Azov Brigade from using American training and weapons after a new analysis found no evidence of human rights violations by the unit, the Post reported.

Biden to lift ban on Ukrainian unit using US weapons, Wash Post reports​

The 2nd amendment has remained stronger than every other bill of right except the 3rd amendment, which has never really been modified because no one really pays attention to it. Whining about the attacks on the 2nd amendment is like whining that the Harlem globetrotters get all the calls.

Much ado about nothing.
It's hard to call pointing out the calls to abolish the 2A whining. All of the bill of rights have stood the test except maybe instances of free speech but there are certainly a lot of folks who would toss 2A in a heartbeat if they could
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