A massive political earthquake just ROCKED Germany.

Not all these people are "far right". That's why you can't trust the Communist and Globalist with the label maker. They are just fed up with open borders and what the CCP belt to road intiative is doing to their people. It's the far left Neo-Marxist groups that took loses. They are calling everyone right of them "Far Right".

The projections showed the environmentalist Greens, the second-biggest party in Scholz’s coalition, falling from a peak of 20.5% five years ago to around 12%. Support for the pro-business Free Democrats, the third party in the quarrelsome government, was estimated at 5%. Both were significantly below their 2021 German election showings.

Green party losses in EU elections raise concerns over Green Deal​

Exit polls suggest support for Greens fell in Germany and France, leading to fears of weakening of climate ambitions
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They’re not voting far-right. They’re voting conservative. Don’t be victim to the narrative shaping. None of us are Hitler, Franco, or Mussolini, or anything even remotely close to it.
The Brothers of Italy group includes Mussolini's granddaughter, among others that are fascist supporters. I don't believe the "narrative", I read about the actions (and history) of their members.
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Well...people make choices...They must not be happy with what is happening...That's how Democracy works.
They do.....and it didn't work out great for the fascists last time......and that's also how democracy ENDED there.

EDIT: You don't find it funny that some of your Republicans use the history of the Democratic Party during the Civil War years to point out how it was that party that protected slavery, but when someone tries the same for other political parties (like the Brothers of Italy) and how they formed from the roots of the fascists of World War II, then that's called "crazy"?
Nazis just like Communist are Socialist. Maybe it's the Socialism and always counting on us to come save Europe that's the problem?!
Nazis just like Communist are Socialist. Maybe it's the Socialism and always counting on us to come save Europe that's the problem?!
You do understand that the socialist beliefs of the NAZIS had been expelled by the time that Hitler took over full control of Germany and began his plans to control the continent, and allying himself with another far-right conservative nationalistic person (Mussolini)? Considering that the Enabling Act allowed Hitler to silence, imprison, murder anyone that was a communist, I'd say you do not understand that.

You can try to rewrite history all you want, but it won't make it accurate.
They’re not voting far-right. They’re voting conservative. Don’t be victim to the narrative shaping. None of us are Hitler, Franco, or Mussolini, or anything even remotely close to it.
"Far right" is anyone who doesn't agree with the globalist, open borders, welfare state society.
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You do understand that the socialist beliefs of the NAZIS had been expelled by the time that Hitler took over full control of Germany and began his plans to control the continent, and allying himself with another far-right conservative nationalistic person (Mussolini)? Considering that the Enabling Act allowed Hitler to silence, imprison, murder anyone that was a communist, I'd say you do not understand that.

You can try to rewrite history all you want, but it won't make it accurate.

Nazis were Socialist. It's in the fvcking name. Stop trying to defend Socialism all the time. It's always led to tyrants no matter the variations of the mental disease.
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Nazis were Socialist. Stop trying to defend Socialism all the time. It's always led to tyrants no matter the variations of the mental disease.
And Republicans stand for Christian values......(see my point???)


And Republicans stand for Christian values......(see my point???)



We get it Commie. You don't agree with Patton's opinion we should have conquered Russia after defeating the Nazis. Personally I think we should have built four Bombs. Two for Japan and two for the Bolsheviks.
Virulent anti-Semitism, iron fisted government control over all things, punishing political opponents with a prejudiced judicial system, taking away personal liberty for the sake of "the state". Sounds like the far left, i.e. the Democrat Party of today.
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They do.....and it didn't work out great for the fascists last time......and that's also how democracy ENDED there.

EDIT: You don't find it funny that some of your Republicans use the history of the Democratic Party during the Civil War years to point out how it was that party that protected slavery, but when someone tries the same for other political parties (like the Brothers of Italy) and how they formed from the roots of the fascists of World War II, then that's called "crazy"?
I don't get your humor...but I have a guess and I could easily flip the script on you...You don't want to go there.
I like to stick to more recent history regarding racial history of YOUR fellow Democrats. You may want to brush up on your history on that subject...start with the 1960's and don't forget one of your favorite sons Bobby, the Exalted Cyclops, Byrd.
I don't get your humor...but I have a guess and I could easily flip the script on you...You don't want to go there.
I like to stick to more recent history regarding racial history of YOUR fellow Democrats. You may want to brush up on your history on that subject...start with the 1960's and don't forget one of your favorite sons Bobby, the Exalted Cyclops, Byrd.
Just because a person is a “fan” of a team does not mean they are “fans” of every player on the roster.
You do understand that the socialist beliefs of the NAZIS had been expelled by the time that Hitler took over full control of Germany and began his plans to control the continent, and allying himself with another far-right conservative nationalistic person (Mussolini)? Considering that the Enabling Act allowed Hitler to silence, imprison, murder anyone that was a communist, I'd say you do not understand that.

You can try to rewrite history all you want, but it won't make it accurate.
Within the party the SA's were true socialists but the night of the long knives ended their influence.
Just because a person is a “fan” of a team does not mean they are “fans” of every player on the roster.
Very true...sooooo...don't link Nazi's and Facist's with the American Republican Party. We also don't know the reasons we are seeing the shifts in Germany and Italy
The majority of today's Democrat/ liberal leftists believe a person is far right if they believe men can't have babies, open borders is wrong, high unfair taxes is theft, people should pay their own way including college.....pretty much have common sense and follow the constitution.
And Democrats stand for Christian Values,,,see my point ????


Clinton sent an $850,000 check to Paula Jones.....see my point ????

One difference with Monica situation.....Clinton finally came out and owned up to it and asked for forgiveness. I'm still hearing nothing but denials from Trump about Stormy.
The majority of today's Democrat/ liberal leftists believe a person is far right if they believe men can't have babies, open borders is wrong, high unfair taxes is theft, people should pay their own way including college.....pretty much have common sense and follow the constitution.
Yet we see people risking their lives on homemade rafts to get the the United States. Whereas, we never see liberals on rafts leaving the United States.
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One difference with Monica situation.....Clinton finally came out and owned up to it and asked for forgiveness. I'm still hearing nothing but denials from Trump about Stormy.
Why did Stormy sign a disclosure in 2018 that she made it all up and she never slept with Trump?
One difference with Monica situation.....Clinton finally came out and owned up to it and asked for forgiveness. I'm still hearing nothing but denials from Trump about Stormy.
That’s the one difference? Not that Monica was a 20 year old intern and Stormy was a porn star? Shewwwwww
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If people don't like Bannon listen to what Thayer is saying anyways. Then Google the subject and read other reports on the subject. They are using Crony Capitalism to destroy Capitalism for everyone else and to gain more wealth and power for themselves.

Thayer: Leadership Of The CCP Are The Richest People On Earth​

Our Elites our selling out to them while wanting a similar system here.
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One difference with Monica situation.....Clinton finally came out and owned up to it and asked for forgiveness. I'm still hearing nothing but denials from Trump about Stormy.
Clinton NEVER owned up to the $850.00 one and a couple of others. You are so full of Trump...Let it go and get a life.
One difference with Monica situation.....Clinton finally came out and owned up to it and asked for forgiveness. I'm still hearing nothing but denials from Trump about Stormy.
And Stormy has also denied that anything happened.

When did Bill own up and ask for forgiveness?
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And Stormy has also denied that anything happened.

With everything going on in the World and Our Country I wish I gave a shit about the subject but I don't. Other than the Lawfare that's gone too far with Trump vs Clinton it wouldn't even register on my radar. If Trump did sleep with her then he needs to ask God and his wife for forgiveness. He doesn't need to ask us. He didn't screw us.