Looky here.
A new weed has sprung up in the garden !
Lets try to identify this little nuisance that just poked up through the manure... shall we ? ...Well, since all we have is 5 total posts from the latest seedling... I'll start with his-her name.
CMU -> Must mean "Central Michigan University"...an envious MACster who wants to sniff the taint of my nutsac. .... Check
Mountie-> Yes, being a rust-belter and a Central Michigan fan sucks. WVU is as good as any "other school" for the bifanual types out there....and a MACster can't root for The Herd .. so, "Promoting Diversity" .... Check
BTW, what did you look in the mirror and call yourself last time you supposedly "thrashed this guy" on the internets ? With five posts to your name, it appears you didn't do alot of "asskicking" at any time in the past.
Also, how's the weather up there in Kalmazoo ?