That's a nice take you have, particularly when scrolling through yesterday's threads, and noticing you called me out by my actual name. How does something like that fall within your threats of cyber stalking. Like so many have done with Rifle, you and others have posted my pictures, my cell number, my address, wife's name, names of main squeezes, and many other things.Dear Marshall dumbasses, you do realize that many WVU posters are attorneys, have friends that are attorneys, work for the FBI, have friends that work for the FBI, work for the DOD, have friends that work for the DOD, etc. etc. Cyber stalking is serious. It is not something to mess around with and neither is threatening others on the internet. I know you guys aren't very intelligent, but I do believe you are intelligent enough to realize when you are playing with fire.
Difference being, I'm not a pussy like you, and have no problem with folks knowing who I am. Hell, I know at least half the posters here, so why would I care?
Lastly, you're a hypocrite for crying over what others post, while doing the same thing yourself.