Then, stop posting about WVU sports or commenting towards others who do post about WVU sports. Go find an academic message board and discuss the classrooms, tables, chairs, books, etc. there. This is a SPORTS message board. It's easy for someone to hide behind the "I'm all about the welfare of the university" statements when times aren't very good. Then when times are great, that same someone becomes superfan #1. Go figure....
Superfan #1? Like one of those guys with no shirts and body paint? No thanks, that's not for me.
When times are great, I'm happy about it. I enjoy the good times. When WVU has a bad or average season my life doesn't change. Fans can't win or lose. WVU athletic programs aren't separate from the university. Those are actual WVU students playing in the games, they live in the dorms and go to class, ect. It's a school, dummy.
If having to stomach the university is that difficult for you, there's always the NFL.